Let me explain why the 3 main pub classes get picked...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sauceman, September 1, 2010.

  1. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Support: Well, in this day and age, very few people are actually skilled in SHOOTING in a SHOOTER game. Therefore, the ability to put down a turret or spam an air strike is awesome. Couple that with double healing each other in groups and even people who can't shoot a gun can get it a kill!

    Sniper: Why go out and shoot people when I can sit far far way from the actual fight and attempt to possibly maybe get a kill.

    Assassin: Again, in this day and age people can't actually shoot a gun skillfully, so why no go invisible and flip a coin, hoping to get a OHK...if not, my 3-16 was awesome because those 3 kills looked super cool!!!111one1!!!

    That's all I got....
  2. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I'm sorry that you don't like those classes and they keep beating you. Obviously, the only skill is your skill, and not what other classes do.
  3. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I don't see how that's relevant to a surprisingly reasonable observation from a person who could of plainly raged. People who play a class when there's already one or two aren't being very sensible.
  4. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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  5. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    No, putting a turret down and sitting their healing it and then spamming airstrikes when people get close is NOT tactics.

    Using an assassin and going 2-18 trying to kill people is NOT tactics.

    Using a sniper, sitting back in their base and hoping someone runs through your 4 foot window of glory is NOT tactics.

    Playing support, healing your team, and putting a fire base down to watch your flank as you move forward, or putting it in a bot lane, while using your airstrike to force campers out of their spots.....TACTICS

    Using an assassin to clear bot lanes, spawn bots, take out turrets, and take out a camping sniper or pro.....TACTICS

    Sniping with your team in an effort to push forward, or watching the flank while your team pushes the other way......TACTICS

    See where I'm going with this? You can be a productive member of your team with these classes, but if there are 3 supports already, try a different class.... :)
  6. Lukeydoodly

    Lukeydoodly New Member

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    u mad?

    People can play what they what, get over it.
  7. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Nowhere does he mention people choosing the same class. He is just whining that what he doesn't like is not skill. Obviously one of his toadies/barnacles would not recognize this.

    As is, he just comes off as someone who can't stand other classes/beginners and needs to vent on the forums. His post brought nothing of value to discussion, and thus prompted my equally unnecessary but far more humorous flame post.
  8. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    So your argument is that people pick Support and Assassin because nobody can aim and shoot, and everybody picks Sniper because everyone wants to sit back and just aim and shoot?

    Besides, if you are so good, these tactics should not bother you. You should just be wasting these "untalented pub players".

    One final note: Who cares what your K:D ratio is in MNC? It's team gameplay and the moneyball that count, not your PvP.

    It wasn't much...
    Last edited: September 1, 2010
  9. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    This is what I'm talking about....count the classes I listed.
  10. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Ah, i see your problem now. You hate not being on top of the list.
  11. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    In your example it seems like the team with the multiple Supports won.

    Also, it seems like at least three of those players were more effective in helping their team than you were. In fact, I notice you are in the bottom 50% for effectiveness...
  12. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    It's too easy to respond with 'lolz u mad?'

    If you take the topic seriously, regardless of commenting on 'lack of skill' or 'more whine?', he's still probably right.

    Support you dont really have to do much but put down a Firebase.
    YES! If you're good at it you do more but that's not the point of discussion!

    As Assassin you're fairly weak but the kills a 'cool'.
    YES! If you're good at it it's about more than that but that's not the point of discussion!

    Dont see that many Snipers in all honesty. Last night I played a game with 4 of them in total but other than that not that many.
  13. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    No not really...I mean, I just finished this game here and tool a pic for you. This is while playing tank, which I never do...I just thought I'd try it to take out the 19 enemy firebases all over the place.


    It's not hard to get on top, even with a new class I don't play. If I ran sniper or gunner it wouldn't even be fair.

    My point is, playing against 3 supports, 2 assassins, and a sniper every game gets really old. Playing against the same set up where the 3 supports all drop a fire base and sit there and heal it constantly with their airstrike ready just in case, the two assassins running around hoping for a kill, and the sniper who's got 13 ice traps in his spawn and his back against the spawn door gets really annoying.
  14. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    So you are trying to post on the internet to make people change their class choices? And I find anecdotal evidence in which you played in a pub and talked about how you didn't even try suspect at best, and idiotic at worst.
  15. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Isn't this what people call "digging your grave deeper"?

    Anyways, he is right that support/assassin (dunno bout sniper) are extremely overplayed due too the fact that one can easily rack up kills without much effort (support) and one looks cool and has a cool name (assassin).

    Yes, those pros are extremely overplayed by horribles.

    The reason everyone is upset with you is because you made it all sound like a huge rage post at everyone who played those classes.

    You also forgot to mention that while gunners are the most newb/noob friendly class. They are not played as often as assassin and support, both of which are not as newb/noob friendly (well, support kinda is...).
  16. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    The problem with this example is that I don't see a single support in this match.

    Honestly when I use an assassin, which is about 80% of the time, I average between 5-10 kills, 20-30 assists, and 3-5 deaths. Of course results may vary and the extremes are when the match goes the distance and end up in OT.
  17. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Wait wait, you took out 19 enemy firebases when there are no support on the other team? I am not sure whether to call you a cheater or a liar.
  18. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Now now, there might have been a support in the start of the match and this Magical support player might have gotten so pissed off that his lil Firebase was burned to the ground by his big bad tank that he ether rage Quieted or swapped classes.
  19. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    If you look at the end result, a rage quit is highly unlikely. A swapped class is possible, but again very unlikely.
    Nah, i'll stick with the liar part.
  20. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Well yes, he could be Bull******* about the support and along the fact that not alot of people get that good of a K:D on there first try of a new class. Even if it is a tank.

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