let´s talk: WIN 10 and possible appstore and UWP Issues

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by MrTBSC, March 23, 2016.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    so i recently read this


    so allong with this i heard a number of possible or likely issues with win 10 regarding PC gaming in general potentionaly turning the OS into a much more closed and controlled plattform..
    what brought me to it´s attention is the coming release of KI 3 on win 10´s appstore and initialy i was excited about it but now pretty much concerned not only for one game getting possibly shafted by bad business decisions but the limitations of future pc titels ...

    some issues that have been mentioned (not only in this article):
    games lacking graficsettings and options
    less to no modability
    lack of compatability for thirdparty streamprogramms
    and appearantly general progamminglimitations

    what are your thoughts on win 10 and it´s appstore ?
  2. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    It's a new platform that lacks adoption. Anything definitive on the subject will be both ill-informed and / or outright intentional fearmongering.

    But given the fun times I had on the PC Gamer comments a while back pointing out that Microsoft aren't necessarily the Devil Incarnate, I doubt their agenda will change :)

    Most platforms are closed and controlled. People make more money that way. People don't criticise any other company (at the top-level, stuff like games developers and whatnot get dumped on for silly reasons all the time) for maximising their income. Valve are immune to criticism. Apple are immune to criticism.

    I'm getting bored of MS being the only one considered a legitimate target. Folks need to grow up and past their individual biases. Criticise all of these companies, and maybe something will change. Don't just focus on one and let everything else slide.

    Then again people get more up in arms about bad PC game ports than the TTIP (which will affect commerical industries like gaming, guaranteed). Gamers have silly priorities in life.
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    it may aswell be just another front were not only the consumer becomes restricted in his purchasedecisions

    personaly i'm not a fan of steam for instance because of it's bad qualitycontrol and it having games that are locked to its client
    so yea i don't mind MS becoming a competitor to steam ... but will it be a good one? that is the question

    and imo they don't give a good impression with this already
    Nicb1 likes this.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    apparently win10 causes issues for PA because of it's RAM compression (from what I've heard) so that's a new strike on the long list of tars I hold against it.

    but really it's a glorified spieware. there's a good reason it's free : you're the product.
    check out all the extra goop you now need to run it like an almost normal OS : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/ultimate-windows-tweaker-4-windows-10
  5. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Other operating systems provide the same level of reporting as Windows, including at least one major branch of Linux (Ubuntu). Calling it spyware is a terrible argument, but the people that do call it spyware are unlikely to ever change their opinion so I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

    I have no issues with PA, and haven't since I started using the Technical Preview months ago.

    (PS: you don't need a shady third-party app to do most of that. Admittedly, I'm only calling it shady because you called Win10 spyware, but on a more serious note you don't know what third-party software does. It could be contributing to Russia's economy! It could be fabricating tanks over Wi-Fi for use in the Ukraine! Software is scary! If Windows can't be trusted just think of what these third-party applications from random people on the Internet could do!)
    arseface and tunsel11 like this.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I agree with the sentiment, but I think you're misrepresenting the criticalness to the other two you brought up.

    Apple is one of the most popular companies to point out bad stuff with, at least within the PC croud and of course with their previous human rights issues. Most people rip on them about pretty looking products with low customizability, overpriced, etc.

    And then recently Valve has gotten a loooot of flak some unfair (paid mods) some a bit more fair, but the fair criticism has more to do with specific game audiences for popular Valve multiplayer titles - namely tf2 and CS. A lot of things fanbases completely disagree with.

    I think there are definitely a large amount of people critical to these two, but maybe you're just not in the crowd that brings it all up?
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I criticise silly criticisms of Apple (and Valve), too. Moaning about game balance, eh. There are specific teams that handle it and people will never get it "right", and so on.

    The problem is nobody really focuses on the big issues, and if they do it's only one company at fault. Because, bias.

    "well I use an iPhone because"

    "well I use Steam because"

    "well I use Windows because"

    Heck, I use Android and that has it's own share of inherent problems. It's important to recognise them, make an informed choice, and carry through with that. Beyond that you get both evangelism and "you either completely agree with this or you're the devil". There are valid reasons for the Apple ecosystem, as much as I dislike their marketing and brand identity. There are valid reasons for using Android, even with the open-source flaws and ongoing issues with carrier modifications to the Android base (particularly in America, thankfully I dodge that bullet by being in the UK).

    Trust me I'm aware of people making a lot of other criticisms. But MS gets held to standards that other companies simply don't - for the same things!
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    well as far as i know EA for example doesn´t use it´s own OS unlike steam and varius phonecompanies ..
    the reason you may hear less critique about those companies may simply be that their plattforms aren´t as widespread as are windows 7 and 8 and how widespread windows 10 will be in the future .. so year sure MS will get it´s fair share of flak .. but that doesn´t mean other companies wouldn´t get flak if they equaly mess up ..
    it´s simply that they either didn´t screw up as much or managed to keep quiet from last big screw ups for a good while..
    and it´s not like people forget screw ups quickly like activision and squenix .. and yes that counts for pipa, sopa, and ttip aswell ..
    the problem of these things is if they are done more in secret without chance for the media to know so that people may realise late or at worst too late ..
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    The disagreements with Valve arent entirely with balance, though that's obviously a common topic, it also deals with questionable decisions dealing with the competitive community- like changing round/bomb timers for major Valve sponsored events (times that have been set in stone for 15 years) as well as lack of communication in ideas the community as a whole disagree with- for example releasing items seemingly intentionally broken, as if there was no thought, for the proposed intention of skin sales, later making them normal/sometimes useless.

    Just some seemingly shady stuff and just general disagreements. Though I will say it's more petty more often than not in comparison to Microsoft and Apple criticism.
  10. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Win10 is not spyware. They use your information mostly to improve their algorithms for ad targeting. Standard stuff.

    UWP is completely different from Win10. It's essentially Microsoft's attempt to emulate Steam or origin.

    Win10 runs PA better than Win7 or Win8. Issues are few and far between, and are usually a result of outside factors not related to the OS.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  11. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    yea but what about games that you get/are linked on the appstore? because that´s were the issues are reported from and the uwp stuff is related to that as well were some devs state that they feel forced to develope future games that way

    i use win 10 as well but haven´t problems with it regarding PA ... thing is PA is not a game from the appstore .. i will check KI3 on it once release on march 29th
  12. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    UWP is basically a protocol used within the appstore. Why you would use the appstore for win10 is beyond me though. It's a piece of ****.
    MrTBSC and Nicb1 like this.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I still remember Games for Windows Live. Needless to say, their platforms do not feel like a long-term secure investment to me.

    At least I am confident, that if they ditch this because they lose interest in it, that some smug bastard somewhere are going to rewrite the APIs for it and release cracks for it so people can continue playing what they own. GTA4 online comes to mind.
  15. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    same what some devs said ... and there is some talk going on that MS may want to limit the accessability of developing titles on windows basicily forcing titles to be linked to the appstore ...

    honestly while this might/will (very likely) be a massive drawback for developing games on windows i could see a bigger rise in gametitles for linuxOS´s ... because personally i just want to get away from windows in general ... gaming is realy the only thing that keeps me on it ...

    could you blame them though? like if a company takes access away from something you already paid for why would you not try to gain access to it by other means (example titanfall via crack and tungle) ... the devs behind the game got already their share and MS could go screw themselves then ...

    similar reason why emulators are used for old no-longer-accessible-games
    Last edited: March 26, 2016
    tatsujb likes this.

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