Hey all! I am an owner of a new gaming group called Legacy Reborn. I used to run the group Legacy and it did ok. But that group died out, and now it's being reborn in the ashes! We play a bunch of games, and this is one of them. But currently we are lacking members. So, need friends? Need a clan? Need people to talk with? We can provide all of that. Need more info on the group? Ok, fine. It's based in the US, so we speak only english. We're just starting, but I'm hoping to coordinate events and start up servers and a youtube channel, so stay tuned for all of that. Want to help me? Tell me! I need all the help I can get. Are there requirements to the group? Yes, but only that you are above the age of 8. Easy enough! To sign up either go ... oh wait, can't post links yet. Friend me on steam, my name is Satorius and my pic is that of a sword... with wings. No steam? Then comment here, we'll get you sorted out.