Least effective class on PC?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, December 27, 2010.


Least effective class (PC)

  1. Assassin

    17 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    7 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sniper

    3 vote(s)
  5. Support

    9 vote(s)
  6. Tank

    1 vote(s)
  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The difference in controls, framerate, and lag on PC changes the class balance around a bit compared to 360. Which class do you think is least effective?

    I'm voting assault. I always felt they were pretty good on 360, sometimes bordering on overpowered, but on PC I don't see them doing particularly well (aside from the hackers). It's also the only class I can't play effectively ;). Their main advantage on 360 is their maneuverability, but that doesn't seem to help them as much on PC.
  2. Demigod At Play

    Demigod At Play New Member

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    This one is really tough. The precision obviously helps everyone... but at the same time it doesn't seem to make any of them worse. I noticed people voted for the Assassin here, but as someone who plays assassin I can hardly say they aren't effective. In terms of controls they received the least benefit, since their attacks are broad sweeps rather than precisely aimed attacks.

    So I guess Assassin, yeah.
  3. Ferocity

    Ferocity New Member

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    Not that it would stop me from maining one, by no means is Assassin any underpowered class if you know how to play it.
  4. trogdor5

    trogdor5 New Member

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    I disagree...Assault seems to be the only class I can play effectively tbh...I can normal MVP on my team with assault without trying too hard, while all the other classes I barely scratch 3rd or 4th (besides maybe assassin)

    As far as which class is the worst on PC? I feel like support loses out because, like assassin, it loses a lot of the benefits of precise aiming.
  5. Ferocity

    Ferocity New Member

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    More or less, but shotgun benefits from twitch shots. That said its easier to lead the Shuriken Launcher with the mouse.

    Got almost all the hits in on running from left to right at the other side if the map. killed him right before he got behind cower. Then he yelled "SHURIKAN LUNCHAR IS OP!"
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    Class that has gotten the biggest buff in my view is a Gunner, no more clawing, least effective, probably the assassin it is something that got no real benefits, other then the custom button mapping...

    But i suck at assassin anyway so im not 100% sure if it got a buff,nerf or unaffected by coming to PC
  7. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    I would honestly say assassin hands down just because I think optimal performance with her would be say with a controller then with a keyboard. Trying to shift around the three skills while keeping yourself moving isn't a very conformable job as with the other classes, including that with her you'll be shifting between smoke bombs, clock, and running all over the place. a Pad just feels overall better for that having the four face buttons controlling that and then bumpers for attacks. Thought I think she still got a small boost aiming wise thanks to the mouse. Overall thought as long as assassins keep running up towards me with that loud cloak, it honestly doesn't matter.
  8. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    I bound all the skills to my mouse buttons, so I don't feel there's any issues with conflicting buttons.

    I'd have to say support just because like someone mentioned, his "autoaim" advantage is lost when everyone else has mouse control anyway. It's true that the shotgun can be twitchy, but since you don't need to continuously track your target like the afterburner or assault rifle, nailing a direct hit is pretty achievable on a gamepad with the use of strafing and timing instead of fine aim.

    That said, he's by no means "uneffective". The game feels pretty balanced so far, but it's tricky to say just yet with everyone being so new. You can pretty much win a lot of the matches as long as you know what the annihilator button does.
  9. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I have voted support, but could have voted assassin too, since there are the two classes which benefit the least from the mouse vs controller change. They are not underpowered at all, though ;)

    Agree! Now they (we :D) can be pretty devastating... I've seen my K/D ratio climb high since I have switched to PC!
  10. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    mines still less then consoles but im running at sub 30fps on a smaller window and now used to mouse yet, but i seem to average a higher then what is listed.
  11. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Mine is above 5 (twice more than Xbox :eek:), but it won't be long before people realize how easy it is to take a gunner down :D
  12. w00t

    w00t New Member

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    Il say that gunner is the least effective.
    I usually runs around with assault and killing an gunner is soo easy they dont stand a chance and with assasin its easy aswell i think the gunner is pretty useless except if it has an really good player.
  13. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    I don't know if there is one. I can say that I am the least effective with the sniper and support, as neither one suits my aggressive, constantly-moving playstyle, but the right person can use both classes exceptionally well.
  14. thebabelfish

    thebabelfish Member

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    I'm going to have to go with assassin. People being able to whip around and shoot you in the face, or accurately track you to keep you highlighted while cloaked means you have to play a LOT more conservatively.

    The assault is pretty ridiculous now, you can quickly move to toss remote mines accurately, and charges hit almost every time. I'm usually > 10:1 ratio with him recently.
  15. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Class balance feels pretty good. I'd probably go with support as it doesn't take much precision aiming to hack, heal, airstrike, but they are still the backbone of any good team. I disagree with assassin not gaining anything. Sure they don't need great aim, but don't underestimate how much situational awareness you can get with the mouse. Being able to quickly scan your surroundings while taking out that turret and getting out of there before their whole team swarms you is big.
  16. kankle

    kankle New Member

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    I constantly unload my machine gun as Assault and their HP barely goes down, then they turn around and 2 shot me, which is why I don't play him anymore
  17. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    lol - who the f*** voted sniper or tank!!?! Railgun/sniper rifle + mouse = ownage....Jesus, the sniper was borderline unstoppable on 360 - the mouse is bound to amplify this...to me the assassin or support is the worst off in PC...more assassin tho as hurt heal/turrents know no limit with mouse vs controller...
  18. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think this plays against the assassin more than for her
  19. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Assassin the least useful class? Depends really... We see a lot of BAD sins running around, face stabbing tanks - etc. I won't lie, I am bragging now as my top sin kills topped everyone 40-12 (Irony behind this was that somebody whined that the assassins on MY team had to learn to kill, and he got twice less k/d). I think the majority of the newbie assassins who have yet to learn to play properly do it so bad it creates an illusion assassins are useless. They are a popular class by far outclassing the rest, so many new players pick her. On to my point: Precise aiming with the Shuriken gun can own a tank in one magazine, so I would by no means say it's least effective. I would say the support draws the shorter stick of the bunch, considering their range is limited and you are basically twitch shooting most of the time and you can't really just aim in one spot and do it with timing as you can on the Xbox, since people are actually aiming precisely now.

    Also the sins "R-lunge" attack can be aimed precisely as well, dealing a big chunk of damage.
  20. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    I voted assassin. Given the ability to have high sensitivy and good aiming on the PC its really easy to turn a 180 and blast her in the face. The cloak sound is SOO loud, I think this is why assassins almost never kill me. If this were reduced, people wouldn't be turning around in the first place as much, negating the issue.

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