SXX said he couldn't reproduce it. I figured maybe it got patched or something went screwy, as from my understanding everyone generates the same planets when the same numbers are plugged into the values, and that is how the different players in the same game get their planets, not from upload of file but from generating identical values amongst each to get the same planet (a la minecraft seed). However, to my suprise, I reproduced it within my own game. Anyone else want to try to reproduce it, generate that planet with those numbers, and post here if it gives you terrain spikes or not, as well as your dxdiag and possible related settings. My graphics settings: Settings: Graphics- Quality Preset=Custom Virtual Texture=Low Headlights=Medium Shadows=Off HDR=Off Anti-Aliasing=Off Resolution Scaling=100% Native Display Mode=Fullscreen Files attached below.
Strange things happen to planets with high height ranges and low radius. 200m moons seem to have weird flat dark areas or holes in them if their height range is anything but 0.
I get the same spikes. All graphic settings are on medium, HDR is on. Screen-Resolution is 1920x1080, window mode.
I can remember this being a think with lunar and other planets too. Just want to confirm this. At least it is reproducable. Is there anyone not reproducing it? SXX said he wasn't already. He said he tried linux, not sure if he tried Win yet, but if it is a Win thing and not a Linux thing then he might be right about it being graphics rendering problem.
I saw that on the tracker and voted for it because I reproduced it. (Hell, I made a system with two copies of that planet just for fun, though I had wanted to test if units could collide with the spikes but never got around to it.) It's something glitchy with the crack near the South pole.