Is it just me or, after the latest Titans patch a few days ago, is PA less stable? In the 4 or 5 hours of my PA session yesterday I had at least 2 "PA has stopped working" errors, and my friend had one too. Usually I have no such errors. Is there any way for me to diagnose the problem in more detail? Any error logs I can check, etc?
That's very unlikely given what was changed. Reporting Issues:
The chances are if anything has caused issues it would be the recent 'feature update' to windows- either that or a change to your gpu drivers. PA is quite sensitive to external changes like this. In terms of things that might upset PA- have any of your mods been updated recently? It might be worth trying the game with mods disabled just to prove those aren't interfering. As @mikeyh says the update is unlikely to cause problems as it was just balance tweaks for the most part.