Late game unit balance

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by shotogun, July 22, 2013.

  1. shotogun

    shotogun Member

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    Hello I'm here to bring up the topic of late game unit balance and while it's alpha I want to discuss everyone's opinion on what they expect the game to turn out like.

    Now since this game takes more from TA then supcom I'm expecting a couple of things mind you these are my predictions.

    Now being an avid TA fan I know that it takes quite awhile for the late game units to be made like the krogoth or big bertha.

    Now a "krogoth" could take on an army of T2 tanks by itself easily so I imagine if Planetary annihilation incorporated a unit that is similar it would need at least 20 minutes in the least to be made. Having such an overpowered unit would mean that you would need to either take it out while it's building or nuke it when it's attacking. So the down side to it is no anti nuke defense and a load of time to make.

    Having a big bertha type cannon would be essentially useless in this game (Unless firing from another planet) because the maps aren't flat. The world is round and as such the bertha would only be able to target things that are within a certain range so the subject of a huge cannon is ultimately useless unless it fires from another planet and does AOE damage.

    Cloaky/Assassin units. I remember In TA that their were units including the commander that could turn invisible for assassination purposes. Now I would love to see a similar spy/cloaky unit type even if the commander himself can't use it.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Urg so many things I dissagree with here, such as talking about balance at all... balance talk is useless until beta.

    But out of the lot this has to be the worst :
    so now because you're used to seeing a cannon fire on a flat map you think that's the way it looks in real life.... well no. People firering the cannons aboard battleships or super battleships had to take the earth's curvature into acount.... yea, it's a thing.
    and sure PA amplifies that with it's small planets but really, you're not squinting your eyes hard enough, the t2 arty tank and the leaviathan already has this effect on their fire so it's already like that.
    Last edited: July 23, 2013
  3. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    A vanilla Krogoth could not come close to taking on its mass cost in tanks, unless you count a very favorable deathnuke into the bargain...

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