Lag Switch?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by feedle, March 23, 2013.

  1. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Ok last night was in a game with a couple of friends...
    the game was obviously messed up because everyone was moving like they had 10 speed pickups and super gold rate of fire and in overtime (but it wasnt)

    Almost like the little rascals when they fast forward everything when they are running around causing trouble.

    Well anyhow this host.. i wont name him right now.. he claimed everything was from gapshots.. they never spawned any.

    After i called him a liar he left to go play black ops and when he was off host and left the game went back to normal.

    Question here is this a lag switch?? or someone with an incredibly high upload ratio flooding the game?

    I mean my connection is 1 mp upload per second and 10mp download per second....
    I've never experienced this in my life playing this game...

    Even playing los havos and rustclan with their 1000 mp ping is nothing compared to this
  2. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    682 ... ficial_lag

    Lagging by attaching a physical device (called a lag switch) to a standard Ethernet cable, a player is able to disrupt updates/communication from the server with the intent of tricking the game server into continuing to accept client-side updates (which remain unimpeded). Since the client game-player is impeding the reception of information download, on the client game-player's side the opponents will slow down or stop moving, allowing the client game-player to more easily shoot them, block them, out-race them, etc. From the other players' perspectives, the person using the lag switch may appear to be teleporting, invincible, having delayed animations or fast-forwarded game play, or the player may simply find themselves losing to an invisible opponent. The overall goal is to gain advantage over another player without reciprocation. Some gaming communities refer to this method as tapping.

    In the peer-to-peer gaming model, lagging refers to a player with a faster connection flooding an opponent(s) using a basic denial-of-service attack outside the game structure.

    Ok this explains it.. ill post who it is in pm if anyone wants to know...
  3. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Somebody used an exploit on the feedle?!

    The nerve!
  4. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Not just on me but everyone in the game whos ever played these guys and them actually thinking they are good.
  5. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    lag switch is funny
  6. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Could have been upload flooding... not so much as to break connections but just enough to make you all lag. Was the host absorbing bullets like a sponge and surviving? There is some bad software out there. :evil:
  7. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    no he would die if you planned it all out right but the thing is you were playing the game in fast forward super speed...
    by the time you did assault charge theres 5 guys right in your face out of no where
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well this is the first time I had heard of lag making you go faster instead of slower.
  9. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Thats why i didnt think it was a lag switch cause when its laggy its usually slow movement with teleporting ... not ultra fast speed with teleporting.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Sometimes when it does lag spike, and say you "fall behind", once the game catches up you do for a couple seconds move in hyper speed. Though you have no control of your movement during this time.
  11. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    we had full movement and the game was like this the whole time.. the starting of the match was normal and then boom... light speed.

    Also made sure the guys on the other team who joined got to witness it and same thing.. they were full speed movement until this person left. When he did everything went back to normal.

    You just had no control of when they would all show up and destroy you in mere seconds
  12. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    I was telling the truth. I wasn't using a lag switch. And we did have a teammate spamming gapshots, so when you said that I figured it was from that because it was lagging me as well. The only other reason I could give is that there was a power outage in my area about a hour before I got on but I have no idea how that would of affected anything. I'm in Washington so it might of been a area difference and my connection is 17 up 5 down 16ms ping.
  13. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    I guess your speaking the truth because ive played you a couple of times recently under a different account just to see and the lag spikes never occured. Im not far from you so the lag spikes are no different that way... you have an incredibly high upload ratio so might be why.
  14. lolitscalledaproxy

    lolitscalledaproxy New Member

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    The difference between teleporting and fast forwarding depends on how the game's world code is written, how the passage of time plays out in said code, etc.

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