1. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    I've had this for a while now. Every so often (every 15 minutes or so maybe), I'll get something like a big lag spike and the game basically freezes for 1-2 seconds. When it comes back, I've clearly moved somewhere else, but couldn't see or control where.

    It's especially annoying when someone is on you when this happens, as it basically means you're dead. Any ideas?
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i get this at the start of almost every game, it is pretty annoying having it happen there let alone in a big fight
  3. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    This happens to me as well. It gets noticeably worse as the match progresses, perhaps because of increased bot spawns.

    Win7 Ultimate
    Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+ @ 2.5 GHz
    Radeon HD3850 512MB, Catalyst 11.4
    4GB RAM

    On a more general performance note, game's set to minimum settings, 1280*800, and I somehow average 25 fps. Dips to 20 during heavy combat. This doesn't seem right, given the min specs.
  4. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    Well...when I say lag spike, I really mean a graphics hitch. I'm pretty sure it's not a connection issue anyway.

    I have everything set to bottom, apart from texture detail, while is one notch up from bottom, also at 1440x900. Doing that lets me run at around 100fps when I'm in the spawn room, with it probably going to 50fps at its most hectic. Also, running;

    XP Home
    Phenom 9650 2.3GHz
    4GB RAM

    So yeah, no idea.
  5. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Something similar to this (but perhaps less severe?) occasionally happens to me as well (generally very late in games). The screen will literally freeze for a bit less than half a second and then resume where I was moving to. It doesn't happen really frequently for me but I'd say at least 2-3 times in a multi-hour play session. It can and will get you killed if it happens in a bad spot :(.

    intel i5-650 @3.2GHz
    XFX Radeon HD6850
    8GB RAM

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