Lack of destruction

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by reuben04, November 28, 2014.

  1. reuben04

    reuben04 New Member

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    I recently got the game, and the games lacks the destruction featured in Supreme Commander.

    The units, after destroyed, do not leave any husk or remains. Only the commanders and buildings do. This really removes a huge amount of immersion for me. Seeing rows and rows of dead units at choke points was one of my favorite things about Supreme Commander. It distinguished itself from other games like Starcraft II with this feature.

    This game is not a quick/micro type RTS like SCII. SCII can get away with not having remaining destruction (although, even then, I don't like it). PA though really feels like it needs this added carnage to immerse the player.

    Anyone know if this is coming soon? Or, if there is a way to turn it on? I thought I saw some of it in a video...
  2. reuben04

    reuben04 New Member

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    Recommend a mod that turns it on?
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    squishypon3 and bradaz85 like this.
  4. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Wrecks in PA were never done right.

    We had wrecks for a while, but they behaved strange. Unlike wreckages from TA or SupCom, they could still be pushed around and would tend to mess with pathing in a bad way. Not like TA, where wreckages could simply be stomped or SupCom where wreckages were basically inexistential to movement.

    But instead of finishing the work on wreckages, someone chose to remove them instead.

    There are mods which bring wreckages back, but they can't change the fundamental flaws of the current implementation. Basic stuff like "reduce wreckages to rubble when they block pathing" just isn't possible yet. There was also a second problem with wreckages, both in SupCom and the current PA implementation. They tended to pile up, which is pretty bad for performance, so the system in both games also lacked an option to aggregate multiple small wreckages per area into larger piles for the sake of reducing the number of active entities in the world.
  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    aside from some current technical issues i dont see the worth in wrecks being in ... people spam planets with mexxes that they totaly ignore wreckfields for additional metal
    so it is both redundant and a huge hindrens with a thausad wrecks around

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