Do any of you in America have this yet? My friend has it and he said the game comes on three discs so im expecting plenty of gameplay. Let me know what you think if you've got it.
It's awesome. Very different and slow paced gameplay mixed with some GTA like mechanics. Crime solving with ACTION!
How is it to how Red Dead Redemption was on launch, RDR was amazing for the new generation. Im not sure if i want to go pick up LA Noire or Mortal Kombat
Dude, that's a seriously tough decision. I don't own Mortal Kombat but I've played the story at a friends' and it's a very fun game. I also loved pretty much everything about Red Dead, so that's what makes me want to get L.A Noire. We're in a pickle aren't we! :lol:
Yah Zatch, thats what im talking about. I just got BRINK, very happy with that game. Now i dont know if i want MK, ive been loving having Marvel vs Capcom 3 to play, or do i want another free roam game cause i loved RDR and GTA, i own all the GTA4 xpacs still havnt started ballard tho
I beat the game earlier today. As far as the major R* titles this gen, RDR = LA Noire > GTA4. The story was excellent, though some things did seem to go unexplained.
Looks awesome. It's a Rockstar game so I'm really excited to get it soon, I too need to play more single player titles, but the no multiplayer disappointed me. I thought doing co-op police missions would have been awesome.
Ive just got it now so will be playing it later on. Ive never had an x box game that weighed so much. As for multi-player i reckon they could add that as a dlc. No reason why they couldnt and it would be lots of fun.