Good games all - was pretty fun. Thanks for the fights. Looking forward to fighting you guys again in the future.
KRZ and BCN scrimmed again today (Team Bacon's 3rd scrim). I recorded it with live callouts if anyone is interested in checking it out. Great game guys
Yea, too bad about the steam friends server going down along with our game. edit: Btw, please realize that this group is apparently a tf2 group and they like to play us for fun. When we were saying they are getting better, we meant it as sincere as possible cause they just haven't played as much MNC as we have. Also, their assassins were their weakest links and we were just pointing out that they had a good team otherwise. It is only criticism. Do not judge heavily on what we comment doing the video please.
Curious, how do you get everyone to join without the timer going off? I can't imagine everyone joins before that point.
You know, with 6 coordinated people I would consider the all in bot rush. Spawn a ton of bots immediately and with the increased bot count on LazerRazer the way the pathfinding merges in the center you could probably just push the first wave right into their base and win. It takes like ONE slim bot to drop the shields >.> This was common on the 360 version when you support turret hacked before they changed it to 3rd level, grabbed their RockIt turret, dropped the shields with it (another feature they removed, players dropping the shields) and just won =D
Needs more tournament mode without a timelimit in lobby and ready buttons instead (that is start on 100% not any other value)
I agree 100% with Grimbar. The current setup is not conducive to private/competitive matches at all :?. We'll have to try that bot rush idea Polynomial. Sounds interesting.
I think it should work. I don't have 5 other coordinated people to do it though. I used to on the 360 version. The increased bot cap, plus bouncer spawns, means unless the entire other team is focused on all 6 of you escorting the bots into their base you will probably get off a super quick win. Its real interesting on how classes and ideas have shifted since the early 360 version, where this idea comes from.
We'll give it a shot. I imagine Tanks would be awesome for this strategy since they have so much pushing power in the bot lane and can spawn bouncers.
Awesome games guys, looking forward to more soon. Sad that the 2nd one had to end so soon, we started playing alot better. Also, for future reference, our team actually has no name (krz is bill's tf2 team), so we should probably get a tag going.
well, I guess I just assumed cause bill said he was captain and you guys seemed to be in a group... so... yea.