So, during OxyTeam's fun time, I'm pretty sure I heard Scathis suggest a King of the Hill gametype. I thought the idea was good, but I think the only map that would REALLY kick *** for it would be Grenade III. New map and game mode perhaps?
I can see every map working out nicely with a KotH mode. Just about every annihilator is a solid place as a hill. Each is quite different from the others. Steel Peel has a bottomless death pit, Spunky has zero cover no walls no glass, Lazer is tight and vertical, Grenade is a slugfest, Ammo Mule is a room with doorways and roof access. but I'm not opposed to more maps.
Have an arena where the hill would be a dancing bullseye, you have to beat him for big money. Your team can build mortar turrets only on the sides :lol: