This game was quite obviously just like Minecraft and many other continuous development games, and quite obviously has ran it's course to become 1.0. Any touchups can continue to be done afterwards, but you have to know when it's time, otherwise you are the mother trying to make your 19 year old kid come home by 8pm. That was an amazing game these last 2 years by the way. This is the sort of thing people shouldn't think much of. The "release" of anything to me, is when I play it. The course of it, is always an amazing journey, that I always take personally for 20 years or more. Trust me, I just played Vampire Castle Adventure the other day, I know.
At least minecraft was working properly. They just broke Science by chancing the purpose of the lab. You don't change features or add new ones five days before release. Even MC had a code freeze. I'd rather have Early Access games release as a *proper* game and not as this half-finished one.
You are alone on your opinion of that. At least in the minority. Most people felt Kerbal worked without a single player campaign mode. Like a sandbox was already a whole game.
I don't need a campaign. Contracts are a joke. They just made science a joke with the new labs. If you "release" then at least "get your **** together". I don't care if it's a minority opinion or not.
There's a new type of contract where you have to ferry space tourists and not kill them all in a fiery explosion. That's pretty cool.
One contract does not fix the system. There was a time where i used Better than Starting Manned as a mod to fix the tech tree, but i got fed up with playing games i like in principle, but need mods to play proper. Minecraft, Kerbal, 7 days to die. I want to play a game that's actually proper on it's own.
I wonder if I should give this game a try, but I am worried for my day night cycle to go even worse if I do.