first off hats off to uber for making such a great game. i keep finding myself playing halo reach moh gears 2 and getting bored of the gameplay then hoping into mnc crossfire. i don't think a day goes by that i dont play at least a few matches. now i do have one problem with this game. and this is a problem i have with a lot of games multiplayer. not enough maps to play on. i wish this game had 8-12 maps to play on. now usually i get bored of playing the same small amount of maps over and over to the point i get bored of the game as a whole. but for some reason i keep playing mnc despite this. the reason why is you guys pretty much perfected new fun and refreshing gameplay. i've read some posts from people saying the sequel should be on disc retail game. i for one dont agree for it to be a retail game most gamers would probably expect more realism in the graphics department and i dont think thats the direction this game needs to go. ofcourse this only holds true if it were to be a full price retail game. i like mnc as is and think the sequel should be as near to the original as possible while adding to it. well i cant wait to see what game you guys put together next but i'm sure it will be as well respected as this offering. p.s give us more maps even if you have to charge we need them.
There is a Free DLC map pack being released some time this mouth (everyone is waiting on M$ to release it) with the second bug fix, and two more DLC packs to be released some time next year(not free). Check the Blog for more details.
Xbla games are only allowed to be a certain size (HDD space) and that is probably one of the reason MNC shipped with a few maps. If a sequel were to be released on a full disc just imagine how many more maps they can fit in. Also I don't get what you mean by people expecting more realism in a full retail release. There are plenty of full games that are stylized and shy away from realism. I'd say that there are actually a select few games that concentrate on realism.
I'm fairly certain the limitation of storage size of XBLA games was lifted a long while ago. We have games that are 2gb+ nowadays, while the original limit was 40 mb.
i knew of the free one wich includes only 1 map. but the fact we have to wait till next year to get more than 1 additional map makes me sad.
Odd, considering the Games on Demand is active. I assume the limit is 7gb? Which is the common size of G.o.D. games.
I remember one of the devs from the Lara Croft game saying they were pushing the game's size limit in an interview with Major Nelson a while back. I think that one's somewhere around 2 GB if I'm not mistaken.
i believe there is a difference in G.o.D. and arcade. for starters, G.o.D. cost money, arcade costs MSP. also, G.o.D. are released on disc, and eventually moved to demand as a microsoft feature once they sell good enough. arcade begin by download, they are launched differently as they are designed differently. ya, im led to believe the size limit for games on demand is whatever size that game was put onto a disc with. arcade releases (which sometimes are "assembly" games, which take a main operating game which cant play without you choice of what to play on it inside the extra downloads section) are designed to release this way, and thus are alloted a size.
The limit is 2GB but I'm pretty sure that will get pushed too since there have been games that are already hitting that limit.
what did it get pushed from? i remember a year or so ago, downloading a 1.2gb game add-on. or do those not have a size limit... anyhow, i understand some downloads take ridiculous download time for dsl or similar connections. but still, files are going to take space, and limiting them is going to make games impossible for some people to download impossible for everyone to download.
if i remeber correctly it started off at 50 mb then got pushed to 250mb with a 450 mb option with ms approval. then finally they upped it to 2 gb. now that may change again for the remake off odd world.
if i remeber correctly it started off at 50 mb then got pushed to 250mb with a 450 mb option with ms approval. then finally they upped it to 2 gb. now that may change again for the remake off odd world. basically everytime a big publisher cant quite fit the game into the limit they raise it. and they cant just up it to 4gb wich is the smallest internal hhd they offer in the new slim because some publisher would have a problem getting a game within that limit. and they made a bad choice with the arcades good at the time from a buisness standpoint but bad now. so they keep raising it slowly. and thats where we are. lol