Man, I like KSP fine without combat and everything, but a game like that video would make me so hard. Like a craft-design and physics-driven battlezone.
Mods can't fix KSP's janky physx-powered physics, or the 2.5km scene distance limit, or the dull terrain, or the 1-active-craft limit, or lack of network code, or the way .craft files have to use a very simple organisational thing (I think it's a tree? so no proper bicouplers basically). There's Scraps and A New Zero and some other stuff, but they aren't what that video fills me with desire for.
Imagine a game that combines commanders from PA/TA/Supcom with minecraft open-world/building and KSP physics. You play as a commander(in 1st/3rd person) and nanolathe custom designed robots/machines and roam around planets/solar systems/galaxies doing whatever you want.
Well, there's Dysis, which ticks quite the TA/minecraft/1st and 3rd person and nanolathe boxes. Sadly no KSP physics.
Dude you know what? it should totally be in the units suggestion thread. you can go post there, you had the idea first. here's something to show it off: Code: here it is in action :