To my knowledge, MNC on the 360 is P2P hosting correct? If it is, is there any chance for dedicated servers in the future?
Yes it's P2P, and no we probably won't be seeing dedicated servers. Very few xbox live games have ever had that feature.
Its expensive to run dedicated servers, plus they aren't as good as people think. Have you ever played bad company 2? That has ded servers and they are terrible. P2p when a good host is selected in my opinion is the best way to host games.
I never get laggy servers in BC2, and I've played the **** out of that game. Dedicated is always better.
Thanks for the quick response guys! I guess it's OK then for P2P hosting if Ded servers aren't as good as you would think.
Lol you can't be serious. Dedicated servers are 100 times better than "P2P". Sure, you get the occasional laggy game, but that number is infinitesimally small when compared to the number of games that are laggy as **** when using a host.
Well no, like i said, if a good host is chosen then the only way you will lag is if players are in different countries- which is exactly the same as dedicated servers. So where is the benefit?
Play tank against a tank on host, if your gonna sponge someone elses connection then dont complain, host your own room.
This is about the benefits of dedicated servers vs p2p. One creates an unfair advantage for one player whereas the other leaves it up to everyone's individual connection to that server. I'm hardly complaining, just answering the question I quoted.
Im happy for the host to have such a sleight advantage, after all im using their connection. Its not to much of an advantage for me to complain. Id take that over dedicated servers where they crash all the time and are based in a country 2000 miles away from me. I dont see the benefit from them what so ever.
It's hardly slight in a game with hit-detection issues, especially on a precision class. I, personally, have never faced these problems with dedicated servers. Useless anecdotes aside, you can't really argue the point if you're going to assume it would be implemented poorly. Really though, this is a moot argument since it won't be implemented.
To say that dedicated servers crash all the time is just ignorant, because they don't. And to say that all these dedicated servers you seem to join "are based in a country 2000 miles away from [you]", well, that's ignorant as well. Dumb statements are dumb.
Try playing bad company you tard, i have and thats what my opinion is based on. Worst servers ever, ignorant lol grow up. If im in an american server and im in the Uk the duh i would say thats at least 2000 miles.
Ok, since this has devolved into mindless namecalling, I'm going to settle this. P2P Hosting and Dedicated serves both have their advantages and disadvantages. P2P is good because its cheap, generally provides good games for people in the same region as the host. Its bad because one player will have a direct advantage because they ARE the host. It also has the opportunity to open the door for hackers, but not as much on XBL anymore. You can leave a hacked lobby and never go back and you'll be fine. Another drawback is host quits/migration Dedicated servers are good because they provide a strictly neutral standpoint for everyone to test each other's skill. They lag less because they do not need to manage the hosts playing as well as all of the connected players. They're bad because it costs money to operate a dedicated server and only the biggest game companies can afford to run a game strictly on their private servers. You're not going to find dedicated servers on XBL games that often because few companies are willing to foot the bill with little promise in follow up investment in DLC. They will most likely go P2P, and let the DLC provide them the income directly instead of having it pay for servers they have to maintain. The reason you see many dedicated servers on PC games is because private groups can afford to pay for a single or a few servers for their clan to play on. They control these servers, with private slots, class restrictions, weapon restrictions, rules, and map rotations. From what I've seen on BF2142 and TF2, they advertise perks in exchange for some monthly rate... so THEY can make money/upkeep the server. So, to those seeking dedicated servers in 360 games, with the rare exception you will be mostly out of luck. Sorry. In the case of MNC, Uber cannot afford to run multiple servers to have you play on when they can simply have a person in the game lobby hosting the game. Its a question of funds, not whether or not they care if you have a 'lag free' game or not. If they could, they'd make every game, for everybody, have zero lag, but they can't.