Put a post here with name and entry requirements (eg time zone, language etc). Then you need somewhere to meet, setting up a voice sever on team speak or game vox is probably your easiest option. Other things you can do: forum banners, website, twitch and you tube channels etc. AC got lots of members by recruiting through twitch for example. Getting good placing in tournaments is another good way to gain interest. Finally you'll need to come up with an easily recognisable in game tag so people can recognise your players
I should of asked my question better, as i pretty much knew what you just stated. I'm just struggling with getting the clantag in the game.
Uh, for promethean we just add a (p) to our display name (you can type in whatever you want at the top of the social menu in game)...?
A great way to get more people in your clan is to play 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 matches with one team only people in your clan and the other team as pick-ups. If one of the people seems pretty good you could invite them onto your TS/Gamevox and see if they want to join your clan. Thats how alot of recruiting in AC was done.
I heard a while from boggles that he was hesitant to keep the clan going (don't recall the reason why though). It's a shame to see one of the bigger PA clans die down. More so since it hasn't even had the chance to participate in a clan wars.
I was very surprised to see the post from Boggles in the AC thread. They were on to a good thing and had gained themselves a niche in the clan market with the perception of a clan that took newbies and trained them up hard. I suppose it does explain the recent influx in PA-related applications on our site too. I'm sure the full story will come out in due course, meantime hope nothing too untoward was suffered by any party.
I know that docboggles' situation was changing sometime soon, and he'd said to me he might not keep AC going since he wouldn't be able to be online reliably and hadn't found anyone to take over. Hopefully we'll still see him and the other AC guys around, you're all always welcome on the promethean TS if you fancy some clan games