Anything I should know going into this game? I've been competitive in both TF2 and League of legends (I heard that this game had elements from both) so I'm not a complete noobie, but still MNC seems a little different. Any advice you could pass on?
Definitley run through every class of character until you find the sweet spot. Then work with who your comfortable with. When you're playing try and grasp an idea of everything that's going around you. Don't rush into fights and try to stay out of the open where the bots usually march through. Always keep the high-ground. One thing that I missed out on cause I'm an idiot is when you play matches you rake up cash. Once you have enough cash you can unlock a custom class. This alows you to apply up to 3 enhancements to one of the classes. For instance make him faster, critical damage, faster reload, faster recharge health. So make sure you jump on that opportunity once you get enough money to unlock it. Other than that I can't think of anything else except enjoy it! I like the learning curve to the game, it isn't for beginners. EDIT: Also don't forget you can spawn robots for $100 cash. I'm an idiot and didn't realize that for a while. I still don't know where the annihilator is at and im lvl 20! LOL ANOTHER EDIT: Also make sure to clear a path for your robot army to get to the other side to take out the shield to drop the money ball so you can attack it. Also use the walls very well to your advantage. FINAL EDIT!!!: Don't forget to watch out for them nasty cloakers!
the best i can give you, take the experience you have from both of those games and throw nearly ALL of it out the window.....the tf2 will help you with aiming and maybe making the choice of when to run or fight etc etc, the LoL side will have taught you to push bot lanes to get money when you can't kill anyone to lvl up your skills, as for the rest, watch some vids (preferably ones from forum members as they are above average most of the time) and play the game.
The best advice I give to new MNC players is to play Blitz with each Pro (class) and learn their ins and outs before going and playing Crossfire. Not only does it familiarize yourself with the Pro you'll also gain enough money to unlock at least 1 custom class slot. Btw, Congrats on your purchase! You will not regret it.
That was what I was thinking too, I certainly don't want to grief the people on my team by doing badly, given that its 6v6. and Thanks! I'm sure I wont!
It's at the direct center of every map. Further more when you look into the sky you can actually see the Annihilator and the button to activate it is just below it.
The Assassin is not a ninja; she can be seen, she doesn't run on water (so she isn't Jesus either), and she most certainly isn't invulnerable. If you find that your niche is Assassin; don't charge headlong at people. Kill only when they're along and hurting. It's best to kill bots and keep up a good pace.
One thing I've realized that I think I should pass along is that you need to get comfortable with MNC's pace. People will bunnyhop because it is genuinely useful because there are very few precision weapons. As you have an in-game economy dealing with turrets and personal upgrades to worry about, it's in your best interest to learn every possible facet of two or three classes since you generally don't switch between classes in the middle of the game. You pick a class based on what you think your team needs and stick with it or risk starting your personal upgrades over. Deadstretch is right about Blitz. Even against breach bots, it's a great way to learn about the game and your classes beforehand.
Someone watches too much Naruto. Hahaha. Welcome to the community, jAstro! If at any time you'd want tips or advice on how to play, Strategy and Tactics is a good place to get an idea of what you should (and shouldn't) do. Even if you're playing on PC, you should check out the XBox 360 Strat and Tactics guide too, because really, it's the same thing. Just different buttons.
Alright, thanks. haha, every time I hear, "Theee Annihilators reaaadyy!" I get excited, but IMMEDIATELY remember that I don't know where the f it is. Must be from using the gunner most of the time.
your already at the forums, so ill tell you what i tell anyone who wants to play this game and hav a whole lot of fun. (as well as street fighter) become familiar. that doesnt even mean crunching time and playing with a group constantly (tho it helps). i suggest look at a few beginner guides for general gameplay. you pretty much have to push bots, you dont NEED to kill the opponent, sometimes pubs just look for kills and you can win a game by completely avoiding them and ignoring them while they ignore your bots while your bots drop their shields. then, when you get used to classes and want to be better at a specific one, i suggest you look at a specific guide for it. practice the detailed stuff. before long, you might be a good tank (rare class so i hear). also, when you look into specific high-level class guides, look at a support guide. that is the most necesary class, if your on a team thats not going to choose support than you pretty much need to, so everyone should know how to play support in my opinion. learn 2 classes at least anyway, even if you do skip support, because many classes are horrible against certain other ones and if you main a gunner then you will need a different class to beat a team of nothing but snipers.
Buy at least one turret at start. If I'm the last one to leave the spawn at the start of the match, I should see the nubs being used. If they are all empty, chances are I'll leave because I know I'm dealing with a bad team.
Well, someone's gonna have to defend them or at least hack them (if you even have a support on your team) because unattended turrets are as good as dead (and free money).
I just picked up Sniper pretty easily (but after taking a look at the forums, its not hard to pubstomp with the sniper) and I'm also looking into support and tank after playing a couple of good games with them. Thank you for all of the advice!
a few things most beginners don't know and don't do but are very important -1. snipers should always cover themself in with frost mines ( Q button ) -2. Support can heavily upgrade -> any <- turret with Hack ( Left.Shift ) -3.1. assassins make a humming sound when cloaked, master yourself to indentify this sound and you'll be able to spare yourself allot of deaths -3.2. when playing Gunner your Left Shift smash is also your best friend for countering Assassins, hear allot of gunners complain that they can't handle assassins while the class itself is a master in doing so -4. there are juice shops in every map, if you have all your skills maxed out and your turrets are decently upgraded then you should spend your money on this and try to push the enemy base. -5.1. Rocket turrets are always better then Laser turrets -5.2. Long range turrets should only be placed in the back of your base ( not the 1's directly next to the moneyball though ) GL btw do we have a beginners guide at all ? if not then im in the mood to make 1 with all the basics in it.