Hey guys, I recently went about setting myself up a decent workspace; And started working on something a friend of mine, some to let me get some "hands on" experience you could say! xD Still quite a ways to go thought, seems every time I finish some new parts I turn around and redesign them right away! xD But yeah, I figured a bunch of gamers and otherwise cool people might like to see this project as I work on it and such! Mike
Sadly no, that is a future project thought! Got a long way to go before I'm comfortable tackling that project. fun Fact, I did make a prototype/proof of concept for soem Gundam stuff years ago, but it was only one arm and trying to figure out the gloves mostly. Mike
Slightly off-topic but I like it. Only Gundam related thing I have seen. Im pretty sure whatever your making is from some sort of mech thing. And my knowledge of stuff like that is bad
I wish I had the time to do cool stuff. I want to make an unreal map remake of c&c city flying, and I could do so with half the time and a few fellow workers. Why can't I ever do cool stuff, I feel like the old doctor from jimmy neutron who never finishes things.
Whoops, this kinda dropped off, but seeing as I need to finish it for August, I figured it might be time to jump back onto it. Catch is that I've got a lot of repetition for things, and going through the whole process to cast all that stuff is probably overkill. The Next best option is Vacuum forming so yesterday I headed out and bought materials and drilled about 400 holes to get things started, prolly gonna do some clean up tonight and tomorrow after work I'll be stopping by my dad's shop to pick up some tools and clamps to assemble the platen. Mike
So after almost a week of trial and error and 4 bad attempts I finally got something that makes me thing this whole idea wasn't a waste of time and money! xD I don't really have proper pics right now, but lets just say I've got everything working more or less as intended, but there are a few things I'll want to do to improve things, I need to make a new Heater Shroud with lid and new frame to hold the plastic. So that will be my focus until I hear back from the tool shop about them getting the piece of my scroll saw that I only just noticed was defective >.> Once I get that I can get back into the proper swing of things. Mike