Just a happy thread

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by g0hstreaper, January 30, 2015.


Do you like the new PA?

  1. Yes

    31 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Good changes but there are still things to improve.

    20 vote(s)
  1. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Just got off from the "new" vanilla PA (PTE was just released) and just thought I would shout out to the devs for a really nice update. The whole thing is really nice and glad to see things that needed to be changed, tweaked or redesigned to be good.

  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    I wish i could vote yes and the bottom one ;_;
  3. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    I agree, this update is sweet, but still more to go. Can't wait to see how it works out

    Cheers Uber! have a big beer and pretend its on me :)

    remember, you are only allowed IPAs
    g0hstreaper likes this.
  4. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Yeah I love the new update and the direction that PA is going in, but I also believe that as always there is more room for improvement. One of those areas being the combat fabber t1 being op now. That wall push. Almost no counter if they have aa in the mix.

    Also love the fact that snipers have a bullet trail now.
    cdrkf, wilhelmvx and stuart98 like this.
  5. kaminfreunde

    kaminfreunde Active Member

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    You should also post some love in the steam forums, as I bet that over here many people were looking forward to see the PTE come live. ;)

    And yes, the update is another step into keeping PA my favorite RTS game.
    g0hstreaper likes this.
  6. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    You can keep shouting this all over but i'm going to keep shouting you down. The combat fabber is not at all OP and any nerf to it will result in it immediately going back to the unused bin. As it is right now it adds a bit of diversity to the blob and lets you build forward walls more easily. It's not at all OP and I don't think you should keep broadcasting that opinion. What happened, did someone just stomp you using a CF?
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    As mentioned in the other thread its not the combat fabber specifically, and I'm unsure of the solution tbh. The move he's referring to is a bit too good though...
    cmdrflop likes this.
  8. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Yes infact I played against a fellow clan member recently who used it against me and I could not stop the move. This happened twice. I'll quote something from another thread.

    "you've obviously not played against the combat fab, wall, grenadier move have you? It isn't that either one of these units is op on its own, but combined when on a map with good choke points... Bombers are about the only counter, and that relies on you having air dominance..."

    If you wish to I will continue this conversation over at the release build thread as I don't want to be quoting from separate threads and all that.
    g0hstreaper and cdrkf like this.
  9. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    It's not really combat fabbers that are too effective, it are the walls that are , because they have so much health . It's almost like putting a whole block of terrain between you and your opponent in a few seconds. Which grenadiers can fire across, but tanks can't. It is not the combat fabber alone that is good/(op?), but the combat fabber, grenadier wall combination . Or that is at least what i think. Many people seem to say the same, so maybe before you shout down the idea you should test it a bit more yourself?

    People are also allowed to say/broadcast what they want, and you should not always take what you say yourself as fact. That last sentence doesn't help to prove your point at all either,it is quite unprofessional in my opinion.
    Last edited: January 30, 2015
    Nicb1 and cdrkf like this.
  10. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you keep using this new build we're going to have to change your sig ;) Headcrab, the 'tank commander' who don't make any tanks! Now where are those flying pigs again?
    g0hstreaper likes this.
  11. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    Eh, what? :D Also, i just noticed this is a happy thread. Should probably not discuss balance here, sorry :oops:

    Just wanna say that new changes are great, i really love how this game is shaping up :)
    Last edited: January 30, 2015
  12. cynischizm

    cynischizm Active Member

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    I guess the answer is now "use grenadiers to snipe the combat fabber".

    On the required "happy" note, slowing down t1 offensives means that we should see more t2 (where walls matter less). Or we'll see a tunneling unit added next patch :)
    DalekDan, g0hstreaper and cdrkf like this.
  13. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Uh oh, don't want to be "unprofessional" on a video game forum. That would be madness. Since we're now all apparently employees...

    Anyway aside from your hurt feelings, this is just more of the usual reactionary circle of 'unit that never got used got a buff, now it's OP so nerf it' that goes on here. I refuse to believe in less then 2-3 days max of playing with this balance you can say whether or not the new fabbers are OP. I already agreed with you that walls probably need a tweak (word is Uber is planning to make them block shots from both sides). I'm not here to coddle you or your opinions; I'm here to say I think your assessment of the current balance is poorly founded. Deal wit it yo.
    kayonsmit101, g0hstreaper and cdrkf like this.
  14. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I tend to agree- combat fabbers being used is a good thing :) Same with the grenadier (out in the open they're helpless against tanks although you can kill small groups of dox with them if you retreat). I think the issue relates to walls more than anything else- and you are correct more testing is needed, although I don't think it's a bad idea to highlight a potential problem.

    Uber don't change stable balance all that quickly, and @tvinita frequents twich streams and such to actually *see* these things for himself so I doubt anything is going to be done just on our say so. I personally would like *more people* to try this and see how it develops.

    I would consider this genuinely OP if one of the following happens:
    1: The only counter to it is to do the same yourself (in which case it limits choice) and
    2: This build proves to be the optimum build on a wide variety of land maps.

    If it's simply a case that it's really OP on forge due to all the choke points, I could live with that (terrain does effect balance after all). If the same tactic works on a big open maps however, well then it is a problem imo.
    Nicb1 and g0hstreaper like this.
  15. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    I can't speak for how the combat fab/grenadier combo works 1v1, as it holds little to no interest for me, but multiplayer has been spiced up considerably! Naval is fascinating to play now, and seems to have hit a few sweet spots (or close to it) in pacing, health pools, and scale. The new slew of anti-orbital missile options opens up a lot of avenues, like using Bluehawks as an anti-orbital beachhead unit with teleporters.
    Nicb1, g0hstreaper and cdrkf like this.
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Yeah I really like most of the changes tbh. The reduction in energy costs is also welcome- opens up many new options as you can build more stuff. It's a great update :)
    Nicb1 and g0hstreaper like this.
  17. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Well..glad to see in the time it took for me to get on combat fabers are a thing now, which is nice :D
  18. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Yes I suspect it is very map dependent. I mostly play custom maps like Hot Platforms and there you are correct, I spam the **** out of walls. And I like it :)
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i have decent fun with naval

    surface imo could have 3 or 4 units more and i would consider it set

    hovercrafts + factory are more a personal preference of mine but would be awesome

    so seriously all that is realy missing is
    saves, multiunit transports and carriers, and the biggest hurdle: making GW fun ...
  20. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    I am saying the same. We need to test it more. I just think walls need a bit less health. I was just explaining that nicb pointed out the walls, grenadier, combat fabber combo was too good and that not only meant the combat fabber. Professional was not the correct word to use, i agree, i kinda wrote it in a hurry. I meant to say that i think you respond a bit to aggressive to people who you don't agree with. Just like you now have to talk about my hurt feelings? o_O. I just feel like it doesn't really benefit the forums, but i guess that is just me.

    I'm just going to have fun with grenadier/combat fab/wall strats until the guys i play find some counter to it :)
    Nicb1 and cdrkf like this.

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