I'm curious. Who wins if the sniper and the gunner shoot each other at the same time at close range, without moving or missing, and only the uzi and minigun are used? The endorsements for the sniper are armor, rof, and clip, and the endorsements for the gunner are armor, accuracy, and rof. I'd like to say the gunner wins, but I'm not sure. Has anyone tested this? Or I guess you could go by the tank standard. Which one kills an unarmored tank faster?
Not sure if this is exactly the case, but when juiced, the spin time for the gunner seems to be minuscule. It could just seem that way, but I think there is a reduction. In which case, I would say the gunner, if holding constant no misses, start at exact same time, and no moving. Also, I'm not sure why you included Accuracy in the endorsements of the gunner if there is no missing.
A juiced Gunner would win the battle. Under those circumstances, you would believe you would kill the Gunner with just an uzi, till you would have to reload, and by then, you would already be seeing the overview of the Steel Peel arena and suddenly hear PitGirl say "You better get them shields up hotshots" *Vietnam flashback* Damn gunners -.-
you do know you can kill a juiced sniper with 2 shotgun shells (100% of the entire payload from the shotgun hits the sniper)? did this yesterday. caught him blind-side and buck-shotty'd him twice. didnt put up a fight at all, and i was suprised as normally juice gives even the most ridiculously underhealthed classes a bit of umph.
I can sometimes kill a juiced sniper while he is juiced and I'm not by being clever. I don't think I've ever lost a juice fight to a sniper if I have juice too. In case you didn't know, you can't pre spin your juice. The bight side is that you don't need to as takes 3 bullets or less to kill most players. Whenever I am holding juice and I find someone using juice I always say "my juice is better" (because it is).