Juiced players randomly heals to full

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ellamin, October 14, 2010.

  1. Ellamin

    Ellamin New Member

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    There have been a couple instances where my assassin would randomly heal to full health while juiced.

    When I was playing in the Grenade 3 arena earlier, I decided to fill up my juice so I could rush the turrets in the opposing base. I managed to pull it off, but just as I was about to kick the bucket while juice slicing a turret, my health just shot to full (no, there weren't any juiced Supports nearby healing me. I checked). Has anybody else been having this issue? Because I have no idea how it's triggered and it only seems to happen when i'm juice rushing the enemy base.

    Edit: I've actually noticed this happening to other juiced players as well. Again, it only seemed to happen while he was in the base killing turrets and about to kick the bucket.
  2. Malex McBlat

    Malex McBlat New Member

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    I just had the same thing happen to me in 2 separate games. I was host at the time playing as the Assassin in the process of destroying turrets with juice, and as described above had my health bar return to full.

    Both times it happened I was being attacked by a support with the heal/hurt gun and attempting to run away after just finishing destroying a turret.

    Edit: The more matches I have been playing the more I have seen this issue appear. It just happened to me as I was shooting a "downed" Moneyball with Juiced Shirukens. I was being hit by a firebase, a gunner and a sniper, and had my health regenerate at least twice before I was finally killed.
    Last edited: October 14, 2010
  3. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Does this only happen with assassins?
  4. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    If seen it happen with snipers and support also.
  5. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Just saw this straight up.

    Support juiced so I counterjuiced him. His health went down and then, right before he was about to die, it shot back up and stayed at full health until his juice ran out.

    He was just running straight at me and I was out of range backing up, so I got to see it all real clear. Right before you die your health will fill up and become infinite until your juice runs out.
  6. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    I have also seen this stuck a juiced gunner with my level 3 bomb blew it up he didn't die then his health shot back up, unloaded a clip into him and his health went back up (they did not have a support btw so i know he wasn't being healed). And i have a feeling that this is going to turn into a huge problem because it only adds to juices effectiveness.
  7. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I've experienced this at least once. I juiced, ran through the enemy base, definitely took heavy damage, but for someone reason my health jumped back up to full before the juice even ended. To me it seemed random, I can't tell what could possibly be triggering this glitch.
  8. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    My friend said I did it too. Looks like a juice buff to me. Either a terrible error, of the worst idea since canned bread.
  9. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    exactly what just happened to me in my last game
  10. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    ok this happened to me at least 3 times trying to kill a juiced player yesterday.. le sigh...
  11. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    Yup, I've had this happen too.
  12. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I'm not sure because I haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems that if you are getting hurt gunned when you are juiced your health starts to recharge. Dunno if this is true or not, and I don't really have an effective way of testing it at the moment. This has only happened when I have been an Assault or a Gunner, and it might just be coincidental, but that is the only time I have noticed the health thing. There might be other things that trigger the glitch as well, I do not know.
  13. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    If that's the case then it should actually be fairly easy to reproduce. I've not noticed a common factor, but this could be it.
  14. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I just had it happen while I was HH gunning a juiced player. haven't tried again.
  15. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    It is not limited to heal hurt. I set SXD on fire (jet gun) when he was a sniper last night and he healed to full about 3 times while melting our moneyball. He was receiving no other source of damage.
  16. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    As a Support, I juiced to kill a juiced Assassin taking out my turtles. She was getting Hurt Gunned and attacked by 2 hacked Lazer Blazers, a hacked Firebase, and a level 3 Rockit Turret. She healed to full twice in that one juice. She did the same thing again later, and here's the annoying part: She survived 2 Airstrikes. I ragequit after that
  17. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Just now had 2 level 3 laser blazers hacked too 3 and my level 3 firebase hacked too 3 attack a juiced assassin, they all shot at her her health went down about 4 times and just shot up. Honestly im getting really tired of rarely being able to kill a juiced pro...
  18. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Sadly I just had it happen to me where I was the beneficiary of the heal. I had just used the Annihilator, bought Juice and rushed into the base on Steel Peel. OT had just started so I was playing a Support and ran immediately to the downed Moneyball to try and finish it off myself. I started firing my Shotgun, was taking some damage, threw a few Air Strikes, got down to about 50% and then my health magically went back to 100%. Even in the replay I was the only member of my team in their base so I wasn't healed by anyone. I have absolutely no idea what caused it to happen as I had done the same thing numerous times tonight and this was the first time that I noticed it.
  19. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Had this happen yesterday to me. A juiced up assassin came in to our base, destroyed 1 rockit turret. Me as Support and a Gunner started wailing on her, and right as she is close to death, she regains her health, giving her enough time to destroy the second rockit turret and run away unscathed. :(
  20. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    This glitch makes a juiced deployed tank absolutely unstoppable while he melts your money ball. There is literally no counter to it other than not letting him get juice and getting into your base (or your half of the map on most maps). He can't be crowd controlled, he can't be killed (unless the glitch does not proc).

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