So what if when your juiced you could spend a few more of your hard earned cash to spawn Juiced bots. This idea could add a different aspect to juicing, could even make juice rushing less favorable in certain situations. But that's for you guys to decide i would just like to hear some feedback and see what the community thinks Now since the bots are juiced obviously they will glow in the same way pros do making them an omen of death and destruction. And just like pros they will also have stat increases (Damage, Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and health). So here are some examples: (please not that the direct increase in damage, movement speed, attack speed, and health would be set to balance the game. But as for me i will but in order gold, silver and bronze to show which i believe would be higher than the others.) Examples: Buzzers- Gold: Movement Speed Silver: Health Bronze: Damage Bouncer (tank)- Gold: Health Silver: Damage Bronze: Movement Speed Bouncer (Gunner)- Gold: Damage Silver: Movement Speed Bronze: Health Gapshot- Gold: Attack Speed Silver: Health Bronze: Damage Gremlins- Gold: Movement Speed Silver: Attack Speed Bronze: Damage Scrambler- Gold: Health Silver: Movement Speed Bronze: Damage Theres also a second part to this which could add more to depth to the bots an purpose, and that is abilities. Nothing like an air strike or a grapple throw just something that makes the class. (I will be a bit more in depth on this section) Examples: Buzzers- Could have a charge ability on pros and a a charge grapple when they charge at bots which would increase the blast radius Bouncers (tank)- Would have the same charge as the tank but wouldn't knock you down, maybe it could even burn you Bouncer (gunner)- Would have the same animation as when he normally jumps at you but when he does he hits the ground and slams (wont shoot you far just to stun you) Gapshot- Could heal pros and over shield bots Gremlins- Lunge attack which would take them out of cloak, but when they lunge they lose a bit of their armor Scramblers- Pretty much stay the same except that when they die they explode into a big ice trap that slightly drains skills and has increased skill drain aura radius All of these abilities would have some sort of a cool down and limits to how strong they could be. Cooldowns for spawns would be increased along with price as i stated earlier. And lastly there could be career milestones and highlights for these, ranging from spawns, to kills, to even how many you destroy. feed back?
Juiced gremlin rushes.... As if they weren't already a PITA to handle. It only makes strong bots stronger and weak bots...still weak.
Gremlins are only strong because people tend to forget about them.. they are very easy to kill.. if you don't ignore them, they aren't a problem.
Thank you i was just about to say that and all my idea is stretch what the bots can do its not like im saying a juiced gapshot shoots airstrikes
I thought everything was alright except for the scrambler idea. I think they should always do that. Edit by Eka: instead of calling other people's ideas stupid how about you come up with your own bright ideas.
yah and when a scrambler is juiced, it should become an airstrike. with a 5 meter radius. idk, if the developers put a lot of thought into this (which i doubt would be productive use of their thought for all the other aspects of this game/site they must attend to), maybe it would be a good idea. could the game even tell if you use a hazard while juiced? WOAH, you know what i just thought. in a way, it would make sense to give a sniper buzzers, and an assault scramblers. snipers already send death through the air from their spawn so it makes sense, assaults are heavy-skill class so it makes sense. at least an assault could properly escort a scrambler AND use the bots effect against the enemy in combat.
Juiced Gremlin = glowing = not cloaked. I would never spawn those. A lot of the effectiveness from Gremlins come from the fact that they're transparent.
Well the idea was that gremlins would be invisible till they attacked the same as normal gremlins. The glowing would be lines that ran like a skeleton on the bots likes its coursing through them. My main idea for this was an idea so i could see more class specific bots. Im pretty sure everyone would agree with me that the most common bots are gremlins and gapshots.
yeah, speaking of, on steel peel the other day, i was a support and saw a friendly scrambler. i escorted that puppy and it actually meleed an assassin that got cornered without cloak. just needed an overheal. so i have seen a scrambler be useful. wala.
I have seen every bot be useful but certain bots outway other bots usefulness. But this also falls on the players. Such as if you can actually escort a scrambled it can screw up assassins lane pushing, even tanks taking away their charge. Bouncers. Have high armor good for letting loose to wreak havok in the other teams base, causing supports to abandon healing a turret leaving it open for a someone to take out. Juiced bots from my point of view would increase the chances of these strategies working. But also adding to current successful strategies. Honestly none of these bots are currently a huge threat they can easily be disposed of.
Never mind the dog, beware of owner :evil: :twisted: Never mind the bot, beware of its pro escort. it should be a weapon, and not every weapon/skill gets a kill but it sure contributes damage.
And i agree with that but if somebody really wanted to increase the chance of it succeeding through the increase of speed, damage health, and such. Let them spend the required money or meet the requirments (juiced).
I have an idea on how to implement beefed up bots into the game, this idea is stolen from pretty much every RTS game running at the moment so its a proven strategic gameplay device. My suggestion is that the developers might create a new turret option, A Bot Enhancement Generator. This turret would have high armor but no direct offensive capability. The turret would give pros the option to purchase beefed up versions of their class specific bots from the turret in the same way as the standard bot spawn point. Also all standard bots allied to your team would spawn with a certain amount of additional health and enhanced strength depending on the value of the highest rated turret currently active.
you sir, have an amazing idea in the sense that this game would be excellent if turret ideas like this were added to a sequel. not sure if they can add stuff like this in a update tho. and they would need to modify the purchase screen (like you cant buy this turret for certain nubs like the moneyball nubs, and also you cant buy longshots for equally useless/team-hapering nubs)