1. Heroic Fetus

    Heroic Fetus New Member

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    I am sick of the juice abuse. I have played four games straight since I logged in tonight full of terrible players, ending the game with scores like 2 - 24 and 4 - 35, who win anyway because the entire team sits around waiting for overtime, buys juice, and dashes straight for the money ball....ending the game in 3 or 4 seconds despite the fact that their team barely held on from losing for the previous 15 minutes.

    Being able to go "okay....well, we all suck something awful....we had to have four support classes running the whole game just to keep up two turrets and barely protect our own money ball....but if we can BARELY survive for 15 minutes, we can all spend $500 and instantaneously win the game despite a heavily defended base and well thought-out opposition" is just the absolute worst point of this game. It completely resolves the "skill factor" and turns the game into a mad dash for an easy win once overtime occurs.

    I absolutely LOVE this game. I have many suggestions for it going forward, and many things I love and would hate to see change. But, being able to buy juice for a measly $500 and win the game with no thought or effort is a HUGE negative for me.
  2. Heroic Fetus

    Heroic Fetus New Member

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    My friend watching me play: "Dude...how'd those guys win? Your team was completely smashing them."

    Me: "They paid for it."

    Him: "Uh...what?"

    Me: "They bought something in the middle of the map for 500 bucks that allows them to instantaneously win."

    Him: "Dude...at least buying a win in baseball costs a few mil. What a gip."
  3. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    I agree, it's very aggravating... to say the least. There's 2 things that could need some fixing. First one is the fact that people can just shoot the Moneyball down (what's the purpose of having bots if you can just do it yourself?) and the other is the Juice overdose.
  4. TangerineMoney

    TangerineMoney New Member

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    because of his sig ^^^^ I agree ^.^

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