Juice/Turret Change?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by MeltsYurFace, August 29, 2010.

  1. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Does anybody else feel like the damage bonus from juice is unnecessary?

    I don't think anybody should have the ability to juice up and run through a base and take out every turret on the way.

    I don't mind the juice giving the extra health, but the damage bonus is way out of line if you ask me.

    I think turrets need to get some sort of buff, for example they should get some sort of defense bonus if only being attacked by 1 player that would make it near impossible to kill unless it was attacked continuously for say, 30-45 seconds. If 2 people attacked it then the bonus would decrease etc etc.

    It just really gets me steaming when I see somebody run into my base, juice up and within 10 seconds have my base completely in shambles

    I can't be the only one that feels this way right?
  2. ChaosOverlord

    ChaosOverlord New Member

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    I agree that juice is OP by a ton and the fact you can just buy it is just disgusting.

    Or you could just remove it from Crossfire altogether....
  3. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    im fine with juice honestly, since a good grapple, charge, bomb, airstrike could be the end of it in a second or 2.

    but what is ridiculous is juice in overtime, all the nubs run straight to the juice machine and god knows what juice does to your money ball, and turrets. which leaves us good players in a scramble to defend against all these cracked-out noobs, but i do wish i could see the look on thier faces when they get Tank raped (by Muah) right after buying it :).

    1. Get rid of juice machines in overtime
    2. Make it more expensive to buy

    and turrets are fine, they need no change if anything there needs changed its the assassins rate of damage while juiced, she can take out a rockit turret in what, 3 whacks?
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    A good support whose hacking the turrets will make short work of a juiced player with a nice 3.3 overhealed RockIt. Pricey, but worth it for it's sheer health and power!

    Tbh, I'm fine with juiced players killing lightly armored turrets quickly, it's the non-juiced players killing turrets quickly that's dumb.
  5. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I think the juice machine should be taken out in OT because of the increase in everything and half juice alrdy so why would u need it? The juice isnt rlly a problem seeing that it only lasts for a short time. But I think that the turrets are fine seeing that there not rlly lvl 3 and most of the time lvl 1, its not rlly the games fault that u dont wanna upgrade your alrdy built towers and build lvl 1's every where around your base. You also gotta remember that most characters have atleast one thing or another that destroys towers pretty fast and its your job to keep them out of range of the towers, for example: the gunner mortar, i mean it doesnt bounce of walls like the grenade launcher so how did they get an angle on your turrets in the first place? You can also do the same exact things to them as their doing to you. In my OP the games pretty well balanced.
  6. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    I think Juice is fine. It adds an element to the game that ends conflicts that last too long. There could be little more frustrating than almost taking out a gunner, then having him find cover and heal. At least you know you got something out of it.

    However....I must admit, the juice rush in OT can get ridiculous, as it just rewards the team with the most members in the middle; considering the lack of a timer outside your base, this mostly is a result of luck. Put a timer on that stuff or raise the price. Or both.
  7. deathleech

    deathleech New Member

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    You can buy Juice, or get full tier 3 upgrades for almost the same price. One last you several seconds and makes you incredibly strong while the other is slightly less powerful but last the rest of the game. I think it's fine that you can buy Juice.

    Now, when it comes to Overtime Juice can be an issue...
  8. VagaBond007

    VagaBond007 New Member

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    I like this suggestion in general. The TD aspect of the game is getting overlooked more and more each day. It'd be nice to require coordination to disassemble base defenses rather than allowing a solitary, unchecked player to destroy defenses from a safe distance (or via Juice).
  9. Limelights

    Limelights New Member

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    Turrets getting a buff? HA...enough people turtle already. I try my hardest to juice them all down but they just end up being replaced. Instead of buffing turrets and complaining about them being juiced there is a reason for it. Map Control.

    If you maintain map-control then there will never be a need for turrets because no bots will get into the base. If people actually understood that this game will be much more enjoyable when I play by myself.

    I'm glad my juicing is actually pissing people off...other than that it's pretty useless when one person does it. At least it's accomplishing something.

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