This thread is for anyone to come in and propose a truce with another player to avoid Juice chaining on each other. Simply post your GT and the GT of the player with whom you wish to form a truce with. Example: **WhatWouldJonDo proposes a truce to avoid Juice chaining on x DrOp ShOtZ 420 x. I can't believe I had to make this stupid f*cking thread, but apparently it needed to be done. :| **f*ck that! I'll juice chain all over anyone with a retarded *** CoD gamertag. And I'll double-taunt on the spot. Don't like it? Change your gamertag to something slightly less idiotic, then come here and propose a truce.
This would last until someone got mad and wanted to win. Whose idea was it again to put a mechanic in a shooter that makes your shots more powerful and more accurate, as well as making your toon nearly invincible? Take MNC, remove spawn camps and juice, perfect game, i'll clone myself to have people to play with.
Who made Team Fortress 2? I think it was their idea soopermurph It's a real good idea jon but I wish it was implemented when the community was more active. I had a truce with Juggalo777 and Juggalodano where we would just let go deal with everyone else on the other team and not really focus on each other. It was weird how it worked out because neither of us said anything or talked about a truce, but it just happened. Also most players who would be asked for a truce would NEVER take it. These are players who, despite what they say, really care about their K/D ratios, place on the leaderboards, and looking good to a bunch of noobs. If anyone didn't want me to use juice, let me know. I'd be okay with it.
I don't know, Teapot. The community has been on a pretty sharp upturn. Just look at the last 2 pages of the Compliment Thread. SHIFT_Sarcasm
Juice and Crits [And crits are in base MNC with a slot in every class for it.] Are mix's of this and this.