1. x Deadpool x

    x Deadpool x New Member

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    I hopped into a lobby where a bunch of guys were complaining about some guy juicing so much, and then the next game starts. As an Assassin this guy is getting 10-15 juices a game and only ending up with about 3,000 points, so he can't be buying them. He would come into our base every 30 seconds or so with juice, kill a guy or two, then run out. Is there so cheap way to fill up your juice bar in a matter of seconds as an Assasin, or was it just come guy hacking? I kinda was thinking hacking, because his character would always run in a weird position where it looked like he was sliding, and 10 seconds of my Tank Jetgun being on him barely takes away about 1/3 of his life.

    It seems like there's more and more exploits for this game popping up every day now.
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    This is actually quite common. The Assassin acquires juice fairly quickly by killing bots/turrets, and the person in question could have had a golden Juice endorsement, so it's not too far-fetched. One of my own buddies does the same thing, so I can kinda vouch for this.

    That's not to say it's impossible to glitch Juice, but I've never seen it done, nor have I read anyone else complain about it. As for the sliding and health, it could have just been lag, but I'm not too sure on that one.
  3. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Do note that a golden juice endorsements only helps if the assassin was dying often too.
  4. decibaLz

    decibaLz New Member

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    what was the guy's gamertag?
  5. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I am aware, but x Deadpool x never did mention how often (if at all) the Assassin died. ;)
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I juice up a LOT as assassin, and I imagine people might think I'm exploiting something
  7. faits

    faits New Member

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    Yeah an assassin can juice remarkably quickly without even needing to buy anything. During overtime I'll juice on my way to the moneyball just by attacking a jackbot for a few seconds.
  8. banaqior

    banaqior New Member

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    Yeah, I never see the glitch either. Only thing close is a assassin coming back again and again with juice but they gain it fast especially with gold juice sponsor.
  9. pecoto

    pecoto New Member

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    I think this is more an issue with the price of Juice.....IMO it should be increased fairly heavily. I too thought that some players I had experienced MUST be cheating because they ALWAYS seemed to be juiced. Then I had a few games where I bought juice and then had enough cash for it almost continuously through the game, because if you charge into their base and get several kills, kill turrets and generally make a nuisance of yourself you can make more than enough money to buy juice....rinse, repeat.

    In addition, some classes make it almost ludicrously easy to get juiced up.....Supports for example, can get juiced just overhealing everything in sight in their own base. The system could probably use some tweaking.
  10. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    killing bots and things = juice

    so most assassins will run up to the weaker bots and keep slashing and slashing until they get their juice...

    or you got someone whos on the opposite team sitting there letting others attack them to get juice from them

    Many times ive had one person from a team end up on the opposite team and do nothing but sit and let others kill them to juice up while supports heal them

    Assassin is also the quickest class to juice up... ive noticed this playing blitz... the other character who goes up fast is also support

    maybe theres more glitch videos on youtube for this... have to look
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    As others have stated, assassins can juice up quicker than any other class in the game if they know what they are doing. With just the Dagger and silver rate of fire, you can fill between a quarter and half of your meter just by smoke bombing a lvl 1 rockit turret and hacking away at it. Gold rate of fire can do this even quicker.

    Juice endorsements only would really help the assassin if she was suicide rushing the base every juice run, since they only effect the amount of juice you spawn with, not the amount of juice you earn.

    For the record, Gold juice endorsements start you with about 2 juice pickups (the boxes pros/bots/bullseye drops. The assassin can easily earn this much in only a single bot wave, so its not really a good idea on her.

    While she is fully capable of buying endless juice, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of the character that earns it the fastest to simply buy it. 500 gold of gremlins will do MUCH more. She could sit in her base and spam 5 waves of gremlins and still go from 0 to 100 on her juice meter faster than half of the classes in the game.

    What is interesting about this, is the Assassin is the class most often effected by the "negative juice glitch" (after the assassin juices, her bar still displays full, but she can't use the juice OR earn new juice, OR buy juice. It only goes away after death.)
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The most notable exception to this observation is a sniper with explosive shots. Three maps allow you to shoot both lanes without ever leaving the safety of your base.

    Actually it's 40% of your bar if you have gold Juice.

    Gremlins are little more than a nuisance to experienced players. They won't touch a hacked/overhealed/upgraded turret. Smart players will kill them quickly or just simply avoid them. And what happens if someone hits the annihilator? You've just lost all your money.

    Last night one guy playing with us did this all night. He was on the other team quite a bit and against us his average was 1 3 7. When on our team his average was 3 12 5. It was funny to see the enemy frantically running away from the gremlins but a second gunner would have been much better.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    1. If you are not leaving your base, you are not picking up dropped juice from your bot/pro kills and other players kills, which is one of the reasons Assassins gain juice so quickly, and one of the areas traditional snipers never take advantage of. She instantly picks up any dropped juice because she kills them in melee range. She will also juice more quickly off melee attacking bullseye and jackbots (since they again, drop juice.). Furthermore, she can do this well before the sniper gains explosive shots with only the dagger. I'm not sure who gains quicker once they both get Xshots and Katana, but the juice gains from the drops are certainly an important factor.

    2. I don't know what the percentage is. MNC wiki says gold juice = 2 juice pickups (and has said that for awhile). If that is incorrect then i apologize.

    EDIT: Just tested it, and its for sure LESS than 40%. Its closer to 20-25%. Measuring the distance the meter is filled on my screen, if you multiplied the length of the gold juice endorsement by 4, it would still be short of the full capacity of the meter. 5 would put it at full with possibly a little bit to spare.

    Picking up 2 juice pickups gives you about the same amount the gold juice starts you with (as far as the naked eye can tell), leaving me to hypothesize that each juice drop fills your meter by 10%.

    3. Good assassins are pretty much the designated hazard monitor. Meaning they should have knowledge of how long the hazard has until cooldown. And they should be hitting it as soon as its up to keep pressure on. They should co-ordinate their gremlin spam accordingly, and they should always have over 250 on hand once kitana is leveled for hitting the ANI. In other words, this should not be a problem, and if you DON'T have control of the ANI, and its about to come off CD, don't spam bots.

    4. Gremlins are amazing if launched after the assassin has juiced their base. The enemy will have no turrets, they will be fighting off pros, and in absolute chaos. They will wreck any newly constructed turrets, help kill any crowd controlled pros, or at worst, simply distract the other team while your gunner/AR/Sniper/Tank/etc mows them down. I've spawned a lot of gremlins, and they are by far the most effective for me right after a juice rush. (They also hit the money ball.)

    You do MORE than simply spam them, you continue to do all of the usual assassin duties: IE: Clear lanes, bots, turrets, control hazards, build juice, wreck faces, etc. Your excess cash from this is simply better spent on gremlins than juice, since you earn it so quickly.
  14. faits

    faits New Member

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    If you have this glitch happen to you, bring up your skill upgrade radial and then back out of it. This will cause the stuck bar to drain down as if you had juiced and once it gets to zero you can start earning like normal.

    I'm also a big fan of spawning two waves of gremlins then following one of them in to the enemy base. Best case scenario they actually kill a turret or a player on their own (this happens more than a lot of people probably think).

    Worst case scenario they provide a distraction that can allow you to pick off some pros or a turret. If a rockit is targeting your gremlins, you can usually kill it before it finishes them off and targets you. This leaves you your smoke bomb to go kill the second rockit.
  15. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Gremlins are the new gapshots (back when the bot spawn was five seconds). I've seen so many Assassins using them this past week. I love zapping them for easy cash.
  16. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Hudson, it depends on the situation, if they have a good defense and their moneyball's close to breaking, I prefer running back and buying juice that spawning gremlins. But that's just me, i'm not as good as you or bolt D:.
  17. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Actually, Sniper does have the quickest juice accumulation in the game by leaps and bounds with level 3 passive. Two or three well-placed rifle shots (no lie) into a group of six or so tightly-grouped BlackJacks can give full juice from an empty bar. If they're not so close together, it may take five to eight shots.

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