Juice endorsement idea.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by TwevOWND97, February 9, 2011.

  1. TwevOWND97

    TwevOWND97 New Member

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    It's been stated multiple times around the forums that juice is the least useful endorsement mainly because of it being outclassed by other endorsements, it's relatively easy to gain juice anyway, and it only helps you once per life. My idea is to change the juice endorsements effects, making it increase the juice gain rate, as well as staring you out with some juice when you spawn.

    I did some measurements in a private match, seeing how many slashes with the assassins knife it took to get a full juice bar. Here are the results:

    Normal: 50 slashes.
    Gold: 38 slashes.
    Silver: 43 slashes.
    Bronze: 45 slashes.

    So basically,
    Normal: 50/50=1
    Gold: 38/50=0.76
    Silver: 43/50=0.86
    Bronze: 45/50=0.9

    Normal: Amount of juice needed is reduced by 0%
    Gold: Amount of juice needed is reduced by 24%, though probably 25%.
    Silver: Amount of juice needed is reduced by 14%, though probably 15%.
    Bronze: Amount of juice needed is reduced by 10%.

    So what I would do with juice is have a person with the juice endorsements to still start out with the amount of juice you would currently have right now, and also add an increased juice gain rate. The juice you spawn with only lasts until your first juice, but the increased juice rate stays with you the entire time.
    Heres a general outline:

    Normal: Starts out with 0% of juice in the meter, and has a 100% gain rate.
    Gold: Starts out with 25% of juice in the meter, and has a 125% gain rate. First juice is shortened by 50%, all subsequent juices are shortened by 25%.
    Silver: Starts out with 15% of juice in the meter, and has a 115% gain rate. First juice is shortened by 30%, all subsequent juices are shortened by 15%.
    Bronze: Starts out with 10% of juice in the meter, and has a 110% gain rate. First juice is shortened by 20%, all subsequent juices are shortened by 10%.

    To balance the increased gain rate, you gain 25% of the juice you would gain by taking damage. (So no taunting in front of Laser Blazers.)
    So with the smaller damage gain rate:

    Gold: 50% of juice gained because of taking damage.
    Silver: 40% of juice gained because of taking damage.
    Bronze: 35% of juice gained because of taking damage.

    Finally it can be balanced by making the juice dispensers cost more, such as:

    Gold: Juice dispenser costs $1000.
    Silver: Juice dispenser costs $700.
    Bronze: Juice dispenser costs $650.

    In my opinion, implementing these ideas would make the juice endorsements worth having, instead of being the joke they are now.

    Any ideas/thoughts/comments?
  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    good ideas. the values could be looked at and tested
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Much too strong. It's semi-useful already.

    The idea I liked more, is making a juice endorsement keep that initial starting juice somehow after you juice. My idea to accomplish that is to remove that juice (half a box for bronze, ect.) from your meter's actual size. So if an assassin needed to pick up 9 juice boxes to juice, her meter would fill from empty to full in 8 now, and 7 for silver and 6 for gold. The meter would start at empty for now on, but that would reduce how much juice you need to fill the meter from empty to full. The bonus would stay for every juice bar you fill, even after juicing once.

    I simply think increasing gain rate AND having starting juice is too much. Guranteed juice within one life for most classes.
  4. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    At first I was like, "Man! Assassins would have a field day with this endorsement!" But then I read on...

    Hmmm, less juice gain from damage and increase juice machine prices......
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    As an Assassin, I probably wouldn't even use it. As it is, 7 minutes into the game I usually find myself with around $2000 to spare. I could just go juice chaining with that instead of having to build it up naturally.

    That's a minimum of 4 juices, most likely 5 or 6 with the money I'll be making while juiced. Seems more worthwhile then using gold Juice and having to pay $1000.
  6. TwevOWND97

    TwevOWND97 New Member

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    Well, that's the point, you'll be discouraged to buy juice, and actually go attack bots, which will gain you juice rather quickly, and use your money to buy skills.
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Any my point is I would never touch Juice as an endorsement because of that. I'd rather just go buy it 4 times than have to go kill bots. And when you have another person controlling lanes, there won't be all that many bots for you to get juice off of.
  8. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    So why would having Gold Juice make the Juice machine cost more?
  9. TwevOWND97

    TwevOWND97 New Member

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    So people wouldn't spawn, mele a couple bots, juice, get tons of money, and go on an unstoppable chain.
  10. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Thanks for clarifying.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Juice endorsement is really for suicidal players.
    And even then, only really useful at Gold, maybe Silver.
    I say leave it, enough complaints about juice as it is.

    Suppose it becomes more useful on the PC where now you do not receive Juice boost when you respawn in OT. Uber might bring this to XBOX, we shall see...

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