Juice dispensers and incremental personal pricing.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Zoolooman, January 25, 2011.

  1. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    If this is the wrong forum, send this elsewhere.

    I love juicing, and I love the juice dispensers. If a team starts dumping cash into a turtling defense, the dispensers are a way to repeatedly hammer their base. It punishes them for losing map control.

    That said, in some situations I become the sole juice user, juicing an easy 10 times over the course of the match by going back to the dispensers over and over again, making almost all my money back each time in kills.

    It can be frankly a little ridiculous over the long run--each individual juicing seems fine, but that many juicings over time is incredibly frustrating for my opponents, and it doesn't require any teamwork on the part of my team, making it feel to them as if I'm winning because I'm juicing, and not because my team has map control.

    I get called all kinds of nasty names, even by my own newbie teammates, and I can see why. I'm taking control of the game so thoroughly as an individual that I become an overwhelming challenge to my foes, and I completely remove the challenge for my teammates. For lack of a better description, I'm juicing too often.

    My suggestion is that each juice purchase should slightly raise the personal cost of purchasing juice for the rest of the round. Say that purchase 1 is 500. Purchase 2 would be 600. Purchase 3 would be 700, and so forth.

    To make the most efficient use of the dispensers, multiple teammates would have to purchase juice to get it on the cheap. If you've bought a lot of juice, their personal costs would be lower than yours, encouraging your entire team to make use of the dispensers as a matter of map control.

    Obviously, in highly skilled games this isn't an issue. Everyone wants to juice up, so there's always someone new juicing. But this idea is aimed at making public players self-organize into juicing up as a group, rather than having one player juice repeatedly forever.

    It also adds an interesting player choice. If you juice early and often, you can gain an advantage, but if you buy juice too much, you can't purchase for the late game or overtime. In public play, this adds a serious opportunity cost without adding any massive penalties to juicing in general.

    Plus, the Juice endorsements are way more valuable if you can't get on a self-sustaining juice purchasing roll.

    I think this would make the juice dispensers a lot more interesting. :)
  2. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Not needed, just increase cooldown, which they already did i believe.
  3. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    It's not needed, but it is an opportunity cost that would do a lot for the average public player and his experience.
  4. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Increasing the cost of juice is not really neccesary, the amount of good players is needed though. :D Or just make some kind of server/mode where juice dispensers are always off?(idk man, i dont play on PC, YET. :? )
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    This is still new and fresh to most PC players. In due time a solo juiced player will be something to laugh at. It is very easy to control a juiced player once you know what to watch out for.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I think this is just one of those issues that will solve itself once more people learn the game. There will eventually be less instances where 1 person has 50% of their entire team's money, and more people will start looking to buy juice.
  7. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    That's a fair point. When we got a bunch of beta players together yesterday, the juice machines were haunted, and no particular player could go on a self-sustaining juice binge. It was common to jump juice buyers in order to make them pop early, in fact.

    But right now, this suggestion is for a subtle mechanic that would aid the low skill pubbers by introducing an opportunity cost to one person buying juice over and over again.

    This method would be vastly preferable to turning off juice dispensers entirely, since that makes it far too easy to turtle or at least stalemate the map with turrets.
  8. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Part of the issue is that too many people are stuck in the team deathmatch mindset and won't just charge in there to grapple that juiced player because they'll probably die afterwards, affecting their precious KDR.
  9. Leepo

    Leepo New Member

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  10. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    Newsflash: People that understand game mechanics dominate newbies in public servers. More at 11!
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Newsflash: The thread was made in January. That's it's folks nothing else to report at this time.


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