I was Just wondering why the juice boxes I pick up while I'm juiced dont fill up a.... Reserve meter. I dont want them to contribute to a longer juice. I just think it's a little silly that if I pick up 6 or 7 juice boxes they just gunna poof. This thread has prbly been made if so Micky you may decend from the heavens and do your thing but I wanted to get that out before I leave for my uber wonderful job (wipes the sarcasm from mouth).
Zander are... are you inebriated right now? 1) weird =/= where'd 2) And if you could store up juice boxes, you could potentially juice again immediately after you finish with a juice. That could happen over and over again creating a game breaking experience. So no, we should not be able to store juice in another meter if you current juice is full or if you are already juiced.
oh god, juicing 6 times in a row? here comes a street fighter reference. but you dont have infinite meter there either, for the same reason. imagine getting enough meter to fire 4 shinku-hadoukens and 2 metsu-hadoukens in a row. almost a win even if they block them all. it would be nothing but blocking and eating block-damage, without any chance to get out of blocking before getting the next one. same with juice. reserving even 2 juice-meters in a row would mean you could finish wiping out a base, even if your serverely injured and delayed during the first juice rush. why retreat when low on health? just juice again, full health again, kill everything that was giving you problems the first time, every enemy's skill is drained after they used it on you the first time, guranteed lack of resistance. this would basically undo every balance change they ever gave juice in the game.
there, this is the jist of it. i dont know why i even both explaining things, when i can just spit out my conclusions and expect you to follow them blindly. in reality, this should have been what my reply was.
hey, i realized what i did. i isnt supid. i just figure that explaining my thoughts were a good idea. them im reminded they are not. after getting a ton of tl;dr, i know that. my posts should be 2 paragraphs or shorter, each paragraph 3 lines or shorter, and NOT MENTION STREET FIGHTER.