Joining your own full public server.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by podwhacker, December 21, 2010.


random player kick if you join your own public server with password?

Poll closed December 31, 2010.
  1. yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. no

    5 vote(s)
  3. maybe

    2 vote(s)
  1. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    One of the features I actually liked about CoD, even though I despise the game, was in fact the ability to type in a password when the server is "full".

    You could have 16/16 server with 2 slots in reserve for passworded users. It was very nice for the person paying for the server.

    Any chance of that being made for this game? Would be rather complex, perhaps... And perhaps it would have to be done another way, like kicking a random person from the server as you join it. It's perhaps not very nice, but if you're paying for the server, you should be allowed to play at all times.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I hope that's never a possibility. It wouldn't be terrible if just one person could join with a password that way, but eventually servers will start allowing "contributors" to buy reserved slots. Getting kicked to make room for one of them is just an awful experience.

    A better way IMO would be to temporarily allow the server to go 1 player above max when you join, until someone else leaves.
  3. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    Reserved slots tied to a player's SteamID or some other unique identifier would certainly be much appreciated.

    A join queue when the server is full wouldn't hurt, either.

    So don't play on those servers. Reserved slots are invaluable tools for clans and other groups who want to be able to actually use their server while keeping it otherwise more or less open to the public. Passwording a server is great for truly private events, but it sucks if you actually want to keep the server populated between those events.
  4. SALT

    SALT New Member

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    I haven't actually tried it, but the join from steam function is enabled from the friends list; the auto-join queue may work.
  5. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    It does not work as a auto-join queue for non-source games, sadly.
  6. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Keep in mind you are playing on someone else's server when you play on a dedicated server and "contributors" are helping pay for the server costs. If you don't like how a server handles its reserve slots you can go play on a different server.
  7. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Votes would suggest this idea is okay.
  8. pnx

    pnx New Member

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    I've been thinking about this and i guess its horrible.
    The MNC stats count only every full game. So if an admin joins at the end of a round with you havin a 25streak or something, you get kicked and your score is lost.
    I guess this would result in players avoiding server where they have to be afraid to be kicked.
    I think if it ever should be possible it should only be enabled inbetween matches.
    So in the lobby an admin can join and an other player might get kicked.
    You should be able to wait the worst case ~20 mins till you can play.
    Think in advance, you want to play later? check the round times and synch.

    Far better than being kicked out of a server because some admin connects. i guess
  9. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Then why not have the stats count periodically? Having to sync is an awful idea. I mean, I'm not going to pay 1.5 dollar a slot, to have to wait at the end of the round for a server that I pay for. It just wouldn't happen.

    I'd rather just not buy a server, and play in another one. With that in mind, if everyone adopted that attitude (which is quite fair, in my opinion), it'd mean a lot less servers.

    Fair enough you dislike the idea. Can you please think of a better idea that would allow the PAYING customer of the server, to be allowed in the server at any point in time.
  10. roadkillgrill

    roadkillgrill Active Member

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    It seems to work good enough on games like Killing Floor, another Unreal Engine game older engine but proof of concept.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I think the best way to go about this is to allow one or two observer slots that can be filled by spectators. When the admin joins he gets a spectator spot (one observer can be kicked if necessary) and can watch the match in progress. If a spot opens he can auto-join the match. If no spot opens (highly unlikely) he will replace a random player in the next round.

    That way the admin can check out what's going on on his server too and I think watching a game can be quite entertaining. Imo that would be a good compromise. It would also allow commentating of team matches and make it easier to find and ban cheaters.
  12. Efficacy

    Efficacy New Member

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    Honestly, I was very surprised when I found out this wasn't already a supported feature. Indeed, Admins weren't even able to kick/ban until 2 weeks ago. As a person trying to keep a dedicated server up as much as possible, and one of only 15 or so currently, I was very much looking forward to some kind of reserved feature and/or the ability to connect to your server remotely, like with rcon in source games. TBH, the only reason I bothered with creating a server was so my friends/clanmates and I could enjoy MNC with a decent ping. Then, I decided to leave it up so perhaps others in the area could do the same, only to find out that even though I'm personally using my resources and bandwidth to host this game server, my only recourse to playing on it is to wait patiently for an open slot, and then kick randomly for the rest of the gang to get on, or to restart the server, which abruptly kicks everyone out.

    I have noticed that my server is full nearly all the time it's up, so it obviously fulfills a want/need of the community which is sad to me, because the lack of tools for admins will drive away potential admins, which will drive away potential players as well. So far, I'm loving this game, I just can't help wishing it was using the source engine so I could manage a server as slickly as TF2 or CS:S's options and nigh endless customizability allowed me to.

    And a standalone server installation is easily my #2 most desired feature.

    My $.02
  13. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I approve. (not much else to add here)
  14. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    It should work like who ever is the latest ones to join are first up on the kick list if a reserved slot member/admin joins. That way, seniority in the sense of staying longer grants you the ability to stay longer. :)
  15. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    I'd really like this feature, both for the admin and for a list of players the admin maintains. At the very least, they ought to jump to the top of the priority list for the auto-join feature.

    As it is now, I run a server that's packed pretty much 24/7. It's a major nuisance to get my friends and I into the game all at once. On more than a couple occasions, I've resorted to kicking people to make room.

    If I have to kick someone, regardless of the team, that person will be an assassin. And if there is - miraculously - no assassin, then a sniper.

    I don't really enjoy doing it*, but I'd rather play with my friends than randoms, and that assassin that's earned her 0 and 13 score by repeatedly charging straight at the other team's gunner wasn't really doing us any favors, so . . .

    *Okay, sometimes I do.

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