I hate joining games late because 99% the team I join is getting destroyed, the moneyball has hardly any health left, the other team seem to live in ours, killing us as we leave in spawn. It's stupid. No one wants to join a game that there's no way to win. How to fix this? How about make "join a game in progress" and "find a game lobby". Come on Uber.
I very rarely join games that are "unwinable" Does happen sometimes though but unless they didn't let you quit or somethign they have to do this or we would have lots of games of like 2v6 cuz people rage quit too often.
Yeah it most often takes me 3-5 tries to get a game lobby. or i can join a game in progress and AFK. I refuse to play in a game where I have 300 worth of upgrades against people with full upgrades. No point in going out when a gunner with dual miniguns is planted on the roof destroying everything.
I hate it too, but I also hate when people leave a game in progress and the game doesn't find anyone to take their places quickly enough
I'd rather join a game in progress then wait 30 minutes to get into a lobby. So what if I join in progress on the losing team, hey at least I'm in a game.
I just hate how it takes 45 seconds to end the game and then another 60 seconds to start the next one up...
How about NOT starting at 300 dollars midway through a game....the ****. Scale it Uber, simple. Base it off time left or time spent. (Same thing) Every minute = 50 dollars. And before Uber's response is, "We don't feel like it needs to be changed or; We feel people would exploit this to gain money." i.e. People rejoining a friend for cash to buy turrets. You can code that in too.