How hard is it to implement this feature? Anyone else finding it frustrating that you have to click refresh constantly till a slot opens up on a server? On the Aussie servers we are getting a maximum of 2 servers with people in them at the moment, I would love an option to queue on a server so I can watch TV, browse the net etc. while I am waiting for a server slot to open. Clicking refresh is getting pretty tiresome if these servers are full. Its a simple feature but I know personally after clicking for many minutes I get tired and log out to play something else. When if I could just queue I would be much more patient as I don't have to play the refresh mini-game. Or am I just missing something?
I was going to post a similar reply, but that has no meaning when you just fire up the game and want to join whatever server is available. Maybe you have a lot of friends who play. I do too, so now I can rely on this Steam feature. But the reason I did not post with your reply is because it is a flaw to suggest to someone with no or few Steam friends to do this. If he had Steam friends he would already be doing this, and few people start off with Steam friends in any given game, especially for the Xbox 360 version. The majority of people would need this as a built-in feature, especially as a way of keeping new players in the game. It really is something that should be added. L. Spiro
I understand now I don't even start up MNC if my friends aren't playing so I've never had this issue. I definitely see how it can be a problem though
Yea I have no Steam friends who play MNC. Usually I am logging on at 10pm onwards on a weeknight just hoping for a few games after work. I have had many nights where I just don't bother waiting as I don't know when a slot is going to open. If I didn't have to focus on clicking refresh and I could occupy my time with other things I would be a whole lot more patient to wait for a slot.
yer most of the aus servers are dying around that time of night unless its a friday night or a weekend pretty much, sadly
why exactly? if i have 2 or 3 servers to choose from i would prefer to pick the one with players i like rather than players i dislike
i could see it working but less people would join a server im in i guess since apparently im a hacker and theres only ever 1 server full in AUS anyway
i think it would be awesome to see who is in a server. then i could actually stalk people that have rage quit... joking aside, the ability to queue for a server would be nice. seeing who is it it would be a plus.