Just a couple issues with the jackbot that I didn't see in the known exploits thread. 1. The jackbot sometimes will turn around 180 degrees and shoot at you while moonwalking towards the enemy base. Hilarious, but I'm sure it's unintended. 2. Only on lazerazor, the friendly jackbot will walk under the 1st bridge and stand there trying to shoot the enemy jackbot, even after it has continued to walk out into the lane. The friendly jackbot will stand there shooting at the wall until the enemy jackbot is destroyed.
Michael Jack-bot :lol: But yes, I've had both issues happen. Second one seems like a targeting glitch for the Jackbot. First issue... maybe a glitch.
The Crossfire Jackbots just have a lot of issues in general. Their targeting priorities for example. :roll: [Why are you shooting at the wall trying to get me when that Gunner down there is unloading on you?]