Jables 3 questions chat log

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by cola_colin, July 28, 2015.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    logged new questions
    stuart98 and Remy561 like this.
  2. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Thanks for the insight. So it is fairly labour intensive then... Shame :(
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    and new questions for the 1st september
    Quitch, gmase and Remy561 like this.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    one question i have is regarding ground or orbital units that change look and/or movement animation depending on were they are .. so basicaly is there anything for implementing transforming units of any kind?
    thinking roboteck or (duh) transformers how difficould would such units be to be made or is it already possible to mod them?
    Last edited: September 1, 2015
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Where there no questions yesterday?
  6. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Was at PAX yesterday.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    See how he tricked you into answering an extra question?
    Gorbles, Clopse, websterx01 and 5 others like this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Jables answers all kinds of questions on the forums anyhow :) He's *that* awesome!

    The '3 questions' thing I think is more charity for the poor souls who don't know about the actual forums :p
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    new questions logged
    Remy561 and Quitch like this.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    It seems the chat somehow died today before more than one question was asked
    Remy561 likes this.
  11. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Jables visited Elodea's stream chat and since there weren't 3 questions today. We took the opportunity to ask two more questions

    Superouman: i don't know much about the free energy mod but it seem to give the player quite an advantage. It is something that could be added into the default game?
    Jables: free energy will probably not going to be added to base. we have no plan for it i should say.. who knows in future, so won't say never

    hey jables, is there any thought on making a 2v2 ladder? [​IMG]
    Jables: 2v2 ladder is probably not going to happen anytime soon. small community and would make wait times horrible experience
    cdrkf likes this.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

    Likes Received:
    logged new questions
    stuart98, Remy561 and Quitch like this.
  13. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    I had a quick look and it doesn't look possible. Mines have the range displayed without requiring the ctrl key be held, but I couldn't find what made them special either. :(
    tracert likes this.
  14. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    I believe that is radar, which is their only vision.
  15. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    No, it's the value of max_range that's being displayed (by the red circle).
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Q1) thatsonofabroom: Does Plannetary Annihilation work for windows 10?
    jables: there is at least 1 issue with win 10 that some people are experiencing, but internally we are not seeing it. so it's not everyone. about half our team is on win 10 currently

    Q2) Fiat Lux: why is Titans labeled as a standalone expansion if it requires PA to run?
    jables: We made it stand alone so as to make it easier for a small team to keep both games up to date, aka get all the bug fixes and improvements to PA where we could without having to do separate integrates. small team and all that. It's call stand alone as it includes the orginal game, so new players will not need to buy PA to play both (also why we pulled PA from the store so new players wouldn't pay full price for PA and then feel ripped off)

    Q3) krazyflyinchicken: At PAX - we were shown some of the VR headset stuff. Is this the newest direction that Ubernet is planning to take for games development? Or was that just for show to draw a crowd?
    jables: We have a small VR team making a game (Wayward Sky) for Sony Morpheus. they made a small tech demo to show off scale on the Vive using TITANS assets. Currently just a tech demo, and no immediate plans to do anything more with it. but it was pretty cool hehe

    Q1) Jonuz: will you do something for this? https://forums.uberent.com/threads/map-platforms.70042/
    jables: will talk to design on it.. may have done those on purpose as a risk/reward balance. Closest metal spots are easiest to build but can be attacked from below. but is a design call either way.. so would need to let them make call

    Q2) Thurgeron: is Uber going to make custom servers visible to all players by default (ie. without mods)?
    jables: No current plan for it.. but it's a good idea. I'll talk to engineers and possibly add it to list

    Q3) mikeyh: any other game modes being tested?
    jables: currently we are 100% bugfix/perf/stuff mode.
    we have more ideas for game modes.. but they'll be looked at after we are more foundation stable.

    Q1) Mr Alpha: jables, have there been any thought to increasing the player limit to 12 to enable more team size combinations?
    jables: We are sticking with 10 currently. That can be modded of course, but with most of the computer's out there, we feel 10 is a good number for perf.

    Q2) Superouman: i don't know much about the free energy mod but it seem to give the player quite an advantage. It is something that could be added into the default game?
    Jables: free energy will probably not going to be added to base. we have no plan for it i should say.. who knows in future, so won't say never

    Q3) FrequentPilgrim: hey jables, is there any thought on making a 2v2 ladder? [​IMG]
    Jables: 2v2 ladder is probably not going to happen anytime soon. small community and would make wait times horrible experience

    Q1) Quitch: Who's the strongest PA:T player at Uber these days?
    jables: Tvinita, OG-San, or one of our artists probably. I'm decent 1v1 on a single planet, but get in orbital and i lose

    Q2) wondible: Since it's a slow day... Are there any plans to reenable communication with icon_atlas, which would make the Strategic Filters mod possible again?
    jables: I don't actually have an answer for that actually, so i'll not count that one :\ sorry.

    Q3) [RLM]AndreasG: Have any of you in the office taken a look on the inteance mod discussion going on in the forum? About how some powerful mods can make ladder unfair (ubermap, free enargy atc)
    jables: yep, we are looking at it. no comment at this point however

    Q4) wondible: Ballpark time next new feature?
    jables: next PTE is hopefully today.. w'ell be concentrating on bugfixes and improvements for near term as we just released

    Q5) Anopey: will you be adding new feauters to the game?
    jables: we don't promise anything until we are sure we can release it nowdays.. usually backfires if we have to make changes

    Q1) BattleBear: Is making terrain / biomes mods getting any support in the (near)future
    jables: BattleBear outside of editor fixes, I don't think so. focus is on gameplay bugs currently

    Q2) gmase: is titans selling going well?
    jables: yeah :) we've been happy with TITANS so far. good to see more people online again too

    Q3) xLink: is multi monitor support coming? :D
    jables: it's on the list as well.. but requires a silly amount of work to get working not-hacky. so if you do see it, it'll be after major bugs and issues are taken care of. and much further down the road

    Q1) Sleeser: will you make a way to move titans between planets?
    jables: currently there is no plan for that. We gave orbital fabbers the ability to build them to help make up for it

    Q2) wondible: Just how special is the Titans VR? Will it ever go beyond PAX, and would it be part of Titans or something different?
    jables: TITNAS VR is just a demo to show off scale of TITANS units. more of a fun PAX thing than a game

    Q3) killerkiwijuice: Is there any plans for fleshing out the ranked ladder (simple player profiles, full list of ranked players, etc)? Because I'm really liking the new balance and maps
    jables: We have ideas for ladder changes, but we'll see when we can get to them

    Q0) Mc Monster: What do you pref, dobble cheese or tripple cheese on your buger?
    jables: I don't eat burgers.. so none of the above i guess

    Q1) Mc Monster: Why does it seem like you guys are allways wokring soo hard on every update you launch? like the new one, there are soo many new thing, i mean. how do you guys do it?
    Mc Monster #1 we want the game to be as good as we can make it.. so we keep pushing on it for as long as we can afford to :)

    Q2) Quitch: What's the next focus after you ship this PTE bugfix patch out?
    jables: more polish/bugfix/ai improvements. we still have things we need to get working better, so we'll be fousing on those. possible balance where needed

    Q3) Phireh: Any changes / expansions coming to Galactic War, like coop mode?
    jables: Phireh #3 doubtful. GW changed a lot over the last year and has moved away from the original design quite a bit. We decided to focus on the SP exploration and tech building experience instead of the more roguelike original idea based on player feedback. Most updates at this point will be balance tweaks and possible new commander loadouts as the feedback on current version is rather positive

    Q1) optimi: will we ever see air/naval/orbital wreckage?
    jables: we had them in game but due to how bad they looked we pulled it out. would need quite a bit of work to make it look polished enough to release.. so possibly, but can't promise it

    Q2) Xanoxis: Will we get "seasons" for 1vs1 ladder? So far it seems like ladder was reseted on Titans release, and thats it.
    jables: We weren't thinking of doing them

    Q3) ace63: Sooo about those Orbital transfer lines. Any plans on making those actually pretty and include ETAs?
    jables: ETAs are not planned for PA. I'm assuming you are talking about supcom style ones. they were hacky in supcom and never could get them to be accurate, so they were cut for pa early on

    Q1) Cola_Colin: do you plan to show any reactions to the group of unhappy early access buyers? I realize you cant give away free copies or the like, but it seems some are just unhappy that they got the short end of the stick and are now ignored.
    jables: #1 We've answered quite a few of the posts on Steam.. but they get buried fairly fast or get shouted down.
    Cola_Colin: I was more thinking of a sticky announcement directly talking about the issue of all this "early access buyers vs kickstarters" issue
    jables: We can look at it for our forums to see if it stays civil or breaks down into people arguing

    Q2) CptCondundrum's Bane: Something i've been getting rather desperate for lately: Will we ever have an option to show the unit attack range when you select a unit or cluster of units? (much like how supcom had whenever you selected units it would have a red circle indicating how far it could shoot)
    jables: probably not. I don't believe it's on the list.

    Q3) Xanoxis: Will we get "time to end this task" on UI? like in Supcom, when you hold shift you see task and how much time it takes to go there and build it
    jables: _-Xanoxis-_ also probably not. that was hacked into supcom from the beginning. to get it working correctly would be a huge amount of work. I don't think it even ever worked 100% right on supcom

    continue to read here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/jables-3-questions-chat-log.69348/page-2#post-1098164
    Last edited: September 9, 2015
  17. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    I should be on later, But if not can you ask about the air pathing bug, if they are aware of it/anything being done about it. It's 50/50 but can cost you a game and I try exploit it when being chased.

    Planes getting stuck as they fly over csg.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    more questions
    Remy561 likes this.
  19. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Why not make a public google docs or something, that would make it easier for everybody to read the old questions instead of going through the thread.
  20. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You can just click the link in the end of the post. I don't see the problem.

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