"Itz ez to kill peoplez wit Assassin"

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 28, 2010.

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  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I had an interesting conversation with a certain Deadeye after a game. I was Assassin, he was Gunner.

    What I said to him after he said that I'm cheap with my kills:

    "All you have to do as Gunner is hold down right trigger and spray"

    His response:

    "At least I have to aim. You don't even have a reticle. All you do is run in a straight line and push buttons"

    .... Interesting. I wasn't aware that aiming was so difficult for people.

    I went 21-3.
    He went 13-14.
    My team won.

    Just goes to show not all people are as good as they claim to be. It's even worse when you brag about it.

    That is all. I felt this was just as worthy as any of Hudson's impossible i mean incredibly lucky i mean SKILLFUL triple kills.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i was there, for a split second. before deadeye comes here and runs his mouth about the match, and possibly me, i want to say i showed up in leifs game because i got the blue screen and he was the only joinable player. afterwards i went back to my group.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah we saw you leave haha we even talked about it :p
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Was this really worth a topic? You know he's going to take this as an obscure compliment.

    Though saying gunner takes more skill to play effectively as an assassin: :lol:
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This is worth more a topic than a lot of topics that are already on here :p And yes I felt the need to get some laughs at that statement haha
  6. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    Me and Puma played a couple of matches with you today Tom. Good stuff, had some fun. I was lagging quite a bit due to my crap internet though.

    I've played with deadeye once, he was on my team. I rolled support which is something I never do. I won't comment any further.
  7. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    So this is where you went. I thought your internet shorted out.

    Lol. The "buttons" comment makes me laugh every time. It just does. So, funny. Buttons. Lol :lol: . (note, no sarcasm here. That statement about the sarcasm was not sarcastic either. Sorry. Internet makes it hard to tell sometimes)

    I find the Assassin to be god mode :cool: . You have super speed. You are invisible (at times, indefinitely). Anything you grab dies. You have more juice than a Gusher. And you don't even have to aim. Though, I feel once you upgrade to sword, you should be able to throw your daggers. Makes more sense, and would be ten times cooler. :eek:

    And, Hudson's triple kills are hacked. First with Gapshot, then with Product Grenade? Pics or it didn't happen. Like, srsly, wtf? WHAT DID THEY DO TO DESERVE THIS? :shock:
  8. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    You would make a thread like this, while leaving out the entire story. Lets see, when the teams were even close to even I was going HUGE. Even with every single tryhard on the other team trying their balls off and going after me every time they saw me, I went absolutely huge. The teams switch so it's a group of tryhards vs pubbies and me, I carry us and am doing awesome, then they start buying Juice with tons of spare money and I go from something like 10-4 to doing terrible. It was a fluke game kid, where you bought juice probably about 10 times, and everyone on your team got a boner whenever they chased me down to kill me.

    O, and BTW.. You left out the part about where in pre-game lobby you were saying how shocked you were at how good I was, and that I was impossible to kill.

    And skill wise.. I play Gunner with high accuracy, which means I am a huge target for everyone to go after and have a very small reticle to work with.. You're an overpowered and invisible tiny hard to hit target that doesn't have to aim at all, and simply has to charge-grapple-jump/slash, with juice. Don't talk **** kid, especially when less than 30 minutes ago you were saying how good I was. And don't make stupid ******* threads like this, it's just redic.
  9. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Lol. Dude....... I swear to god your sig makes me think your trying to sell yourself. I have the urge to order a "DEADEYE". :lol:

    EDIT: Not going after you for your grammar. It's just that, saying this in my head makes me lol. I don't know what's up with me tonight. I just find everything to be hilarious right now. I'd say I'm high, but I don't know what that's like. Anyway.
    Lol. God. I need some sleep :D
    Last edited: October 28, 2010
  10. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Never once did I say you were bad. I left out the compliment I gave you in order to save you some face.

    After complimenting you, we get into a game. I do quite well, and instead of returning the favor, all you do is say that I use cheap tactics. Nice.
  11. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I wish I had this many threads about me...
    Deadeye gets to have all the fun...
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    If Accuracy forces your Gunner to have to aim more then replace it with another endorsement or drop it to silver/bronze, problem solved. You make it sound like having Accuracy on your Gunner is nerfing you or something.

    For the record, you do realize that you can now be quoted:
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    lets pick this onew apart, shall we?
    in no particular order:

    i get this in hate mail all the time. MY class takes no skill because i killed the sender more than he killed me.

    just because he complimented you on saying you are a good gunner doesnt mean he isnt a better assassin.

    how on earth did you let him kill you with miniguns, 2 grapples, deploy, and slam? you are a walking anti-assassin.

    10-4 isnt really good.

    assassins are really easy to kill, unless they are skilled with their class, and that is simply making up excuses

    why didnt you buy juice to counter theirs? gunner ultimately should have the most money. if you are as good as you seem to believe, you probably dont even NEED 2x guns. i ran gunner today and focused on grapple kills, and generally had grapple 3 before passive 3, and STILL was doing better than 10-4 in several different lobbies.

    I think its HILARIOUS that you call them out for juice chaining when that is what you do religiously.

    why dont you swap classes if an assassin is tearing you a new one? as good as you are at gunner, you have to be at least halfway decent at tank.

    this could go 2 ways:
    A - most likely: you got killed by someone better than you.
    B - what you are saying: you got destroyed by someone with no skills at mnc.

    you would never admit to A.
    only other option, even more embarrassing than A.
    which was it?
    Last edited: October 28, 2010
  14. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Inorite :lol:

    I wanna be popular too..... :mrgreen:

    EDIT TO AVOID DOUBLE POST: Why are people arguing here? No one's gunna change each other's minds. And, more than likely, this post will be passed over. I can deal with that. I just don't see why everyone tries so hard to get their point across win neither will concede. It's not gunna go anywhere.

    I'm impressed with Deadeye's knowledge of the game. He knows what to do. His playstyle (i.e, K/D padding) isn't well loved by the community, but, whatevs.

    Right now, assuming he's serious instead of just trolling due to everyone's extreme reactions to him, he's not going to concede to any points you may have against him. At all. Ever. And, more than likely, neither will ya'll. Okay. /rant.

    Oh, wait, almost forgot.

    ....size isn't everything.
    Last edited: October 28, 2010
  15. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I played against deadeye earlier and he was playing gunner alone, I was playing support with my 4 friends. He went 100-3 and I went 4-27, but I put my firebase next to their moneyball and we won in overtime. In conclusion, Deadeye is a horrible player and talks too much trash. I'll keep you guys updated and make a thread each time I play him in the future.
  16. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I know you two are buddies.

    Anyhow, this was the first time I've played with him and I wanted to make the point that he's not as good as he makes himself out to be. That, and some people just can't return a compliment.
  17. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Giving someone a compliment does not mean it needs to be returned, and expecting a compliment in return is just foolish. Also, this is the internet, people are not going to be nice to you.
  18. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Man I had a post, but figured someone had posted since mine, so I took the time of reading. HAHAHAHHAHA. ******* AWESOME SHAMMAS. GET RAAAAAAAYYPEDZ. That is all


    I am definitely winning the rage thread count. Heiro, did you really just say that I should change to a better endorsement? You do realize having to be more accurate, makes me better as a player, right? LOL.

    How do I save face by you omitting you said I was great? Obviously if you're amazed at my abilities in one game, then I get killed by juice 10 times in a row in a 4v1, it might have been a fluke game? Or maybe it was the fact that a 4v1 on Ammo Mule turned ugly for me when all for people started buying juice, and they'd just run straight for me? Nah, I'm definitely bad.

    Lief your friend Random is a cool dude, not only is he fun to play with, but he doesn't praise someone then go make stupid threads about a bad pub game. But thanks anyway, it's just yet another thing for people to read and laugh at.

    Not as good as I claim to be? Kid I was in a 4v1 and was raping until you guys started buying juice and focusing only on me. Stop talking **** after you said I was so impressive, and just come ******* see me. Get some friends, and come ******* see me. Either that or don't mention my skill, you retarded *** coward.

    Edit: BTW, way to making a retarded *** ******* thread about someone that in ANY game that's even CLOSE to even, is going to embarrass you... Especially after you yourself asked for a thread to be closed for flaming. I might talk **** and make fun of kids, but at least I'm not a nerd enough to make threads like this, take pictures of games with forum kids, or play coward *** assassin.
  19. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Nice rant. Too bad I don't care enough to read all of it.

    One thing I did note though: 4v1? You're funny. I killed you myself several times, without help from ANYONE else. Next time you're being coddled by your Support, try looking around to see who's there, don't just assume it's 4 people.
  20. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Woo, Deadeye praised a Random! Sign of the apocalypse? Maybe.

    Will it bring on the flames from those who immediately hate me due to association with Deadeye? Yes.

    *whips out fire extinguisher*

    And, just for good measure.

    *puts on flamesuit*

    Okay. I'm ready.
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