Its ok, we get it. you quit.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Skelingtonking, September 23, 2011.

  1. Skelingtonking

    Skelingtonking Member

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    No updates for MNC since may, fine, Tease a big announcement and then say its a new game with no even remotely solid info for when it will be available.

    You don't Like mnc anymore uber, we get it.
    but we still do.

    since this is basically getting thrown away for SMNC why not just make it free to play so there are actually people playing it.
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Sounds mad and uninformed.
    Maybe mad 'cause bad.
  3. chrisab429

    chrisab429 Member

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    I actually really like the idea of making MNC free to play until SMNC comes out, how many game purchases have you guys had in the past month or 2? Enough to pay for anything? If you made MNC free it would bring in a boat load of new players, grab a ton of attention, and prep the world for SMNC. I was playing last night and there were only 3 servers populated, and only one I had a decent ping to. I raped and felt bad because I couldn't even leave the server to find less butt-sore players to give these guys time to grieve and heal. Granted I have still been seeing a couple nubs running around so maybe the sales are at least out of the single digit numbers.

    Maybe an idea you could go with is contact a company that does a lot of big advertising and ask them to pay for a couple spots on those MNC billboards in the game. Say something like Coke or AT&T. I would imagine that a couple of graphics changes in the game wouldn't take more than a day and after making the game free to play and showing an advertiser the numbers of people exposed to the advertisements they'd be willing to pay you more than what you're currently making. This could give you more money for development, more exposure and excitement for the upcoming game, and more entertainment for the veterans who have been around since the beginning that desperately want to continue playing your game. You could even pitch it as a permanent association of a product with gamers, something like Mountain dew would work really well. Or computer gaming manufacturers, I bet razer would jump on the opportunity.

    You could do what valve just did and make it free like portal until some designated date that would hopefully be very close to the release date of SMNC, cut it like a month before the release of SMNC so that the 2 don't compete with each other and that should allow the community to dwendle down like it has before in time for SMNC to come out.

    Of coarse I bet this wasn't the best place to put this suggestion...
  4. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    SMNC != MNC. The Rules Have Changed. Not good practice.

    This is what would happen almost every new player, and the population would die out. For proofs, see every PC Patch.

  5. chrisab429

    chrisab429 Member

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    lol yeah the of coarse thing......course course course......i don't know why i do that....

    well see the thought is that if it were free the number of people that would come in would outweigh the skill differences initially. True, people who get stomped may leave, only the really hard headed dedicated ones will stay. Before what happened is the game went on sale for a few days and a pile of people joined in, then the sale went away and maybe 5% of those new people stuck it out. If the game went free for a couple months the dropout rate would stay but new people would continue to come in replacing the dropouts hopefully at a decent rate, keeping us entertained.

    Once the game stopped being free the reinforcements would stop coming in and the community would shrink exactly the same way (and possibly at the same rate) it did before. This would be beneficial this time because you don't want to spring a FTP SMNC on a community that is too large into MNC, since some aspects of SMNC are probably going to piss off old MNC players and they'll return to MNC if the community is strong enough. This could cause a split of the fan base. That's not something you want if you're trying to push a FTP game that makes money by having the largest possible player base.
  6. Skelingtonking

    Skelingtonking Member

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    new players mean more shallow water 3 star severs, unless we troll the 3's we would get a good mix of decent new players
  7. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    or just crash the 3 star servers through a web based browser.

    you can easily do a search in the forums or google to find one.

    Or if you have a friend in a 3 star when you are 5, he can enter, then you can follow him.

    I was never a fan of sloppy seconds though ;p
  8. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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    Grey fox is bad.
  9. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    My world views and conceptualization of everything I have ever done or said, ruined.

    Oh woe is me, how could I have been so wrong in my ways, so callous in my demeanor? Never shall I look upon the light of day, never again will I know the succor of victory to my amour-propre! My animus, pneuma, spirit - no - the very Soul of my existence torn from my carcass like a baby from the womb. The lan vital is gone - taken from me by another- never will I...



    ... Who the hell is Grey fox?
  10. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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  11. Laser Dragon

    Laser Dragon New Member

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    your evil twin (yes, he has a british accent).

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