It is possible to buy TITANS as a gift and still have the discount?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Mirolog, August 20, 2015.

  1. Mirolog

    Mirolog Well-Known Member

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    Because I can't buy TITANS without violating steam rules, so I want to ask my friend to buy it for me, but I don't want take away his discount. I have PA, so I don't want to buy TITANS at full price just because steam sucks.
  2. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    If your friend has the discount available on his account afaik he can buy as many gifts at the discounted price as possible.

    I bought it as a gift for a friend earlier today at discounted price and I can still buy more at discounted price.
    xanoxis and tunsel11 like this.

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