It is 2014 and friends list is not working at all

Discussion in 'Support!' started by kryovow, August 10, 2014.

  1. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    Im wondering how this can be. Since 20 years there are friends lists and they work, why is PA friendslist not working??

    To me its like if a new car model doesnt have a working steering wheel... its a basic feature, which is known for years, and its working for years in all kinds of platforms and software, why is it possible that it doesnt work properly in PA?

    Its saving data locally?? After windows reinstall it doesnt show anyone anymore.
    I cant add anyone, i cant see anyone online. And I get same reports from my clanmates everyday.
    Shwyx likes this.
  2. Shwyx

    Shwyx Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, somehow everyone knows and agrees that it's completely broken, there are numerous bug tracker entries on the topic - yet there's very little activity on the forums and such. I'm pretty sure that Uber is aware of the importance of working social features and I hope that they probably just have to fix other important things right now (performance, balance etc.).

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