I was just curious, I didn't know where to ask or where to post.. I love the shield gen it's simply damn awesome but it's a shame its limited to legion faction only I'd like to have it ported to the vanilla game if at all possible?
You'd need to make the mod, it's relatively simple, but you would need to research a bit about modding. You can use any mod one may download, as the framework for you to use, to just move a few files around, and either replace something in vanilla with it (dox-cannon or solar array, shouldn't matter as it'll change it to be whatever layer and blueprint it should), or add it to buildables as it's own thing. I might be able to do it, but obviously couldn't publish it with Legion assets. I could send you a copy if I have time. Or, I could make it a mini-mod that's dependent on Legion mod being installed with it.
Yes but you would need to change every vanilla projectile effect to get blocked by the shield gen so it wont technically be vanilla anymore
if you have time, its not a big deal man, I wouldn't want anyone to go way out the way for me or anything... very very greatful though... @killerkiwijuice - That's ok I wouldn't mind that.. I kinda figured you guys had already done that considering you had to make it compatible against AI for example who aren't the legion commanders..... thank you guys.. both of you! for the replies Only reason I asked this is because the shield gen in legion is the ONLY one thats ever been made for PA right? theres been countless discussions on an experiemental shield bubble ever since PA was in beta but I believe this was the only one made?
You mean add then to the SpacialDB? There's a mod specifically to do that. Also, doesn't Legion ALREADY add all projectiles to the SpacialDB? Meaning, if I made it a submod requiring the parent-mod of Legion, it SHOULD work. Again, all that makes it simple enough for a beginner modder if they want to do some copy-paste-trial-error.