Is switching classes a good idea?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by The Reaver, August 17, 2010.

  1. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Imo, it seems like a massive waste of money to switch classes during a game. If you upgrade a single skill to level 2, you've lost $150 right there. If you do that with multiple skills, switching classes could be a huge setback to your progression. I guess it would be good if you can compensate by getting a few kills, but still, it seems difficult to make up for the huge loss.

    Idk, what does everyone else think?
    Last edited: August 17, 2010
  2. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    I very rarely switch classes but I will switch loadouts depending on the situation.
  3. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    I was referring to switching classes in the middle of a game. I'll edit the first post to clarify.
  4. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I think it really depends on the situation. Skill heavy classes(support, assassin possibly)? no, it's not worth it to switch to them after having invested money into another class. But if my team is being decimated by an enemy sniper, i'll change classes to counter snipe, because the sniper doesn't require a huge investment to be useful in that regard.

    I don't typically change classes mid game unless I absolutely have to to combat a threat, like the example I used before. Although I have had to switch classes in games because my teamates decided to all go assassin or something similar and refused to help out with anything.
  5. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    If you need two different classes in certain situations.

    Those skill purchases stick with every variation of that position, so yeah.
  6. Lightwrks

    Lightwrks New Member

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    Sometime I will switch from offense to defense, but rarely do I need to. Assault to tank/support.
  7. Neff

    Neff New Member

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    This is usually the only time i will switch classes. That, or if I am really stinking up the place and hope that my luck will change with a different class.
  8. DCtheEE

    DCtheEE New Member

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    If your primary concern in switching classes is that you will need to reinvest in skills, you are switching classes for the wrong reason. There are two scenarios that should guide your choice to change:

    1) You suck at that class
    2) Offense would be better than Defense or vice versa

    I like the fact that it is a monetary/skill setback to switch classes. It eliminates the annoying habit of players to switch to a certain class just to get revenge on another player, and forces them to learn their class and adapt to the situation. I can't tell you how many other games I've played where I'll snipe someone and they'll immediately switch to sniper just to get some quick revenge, then immediately switch back to their original class. I'd rather have there be some light motivation to stick with your current class.
  9. inc0mplete

    inc0mplete New Member

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    I have a couple different assassin classes that i switch between depending on the situation. You get to keep your skills. For example, in OT, if I die and I have money for juice, I'll switch to my "moneyball" asssassin with Rate of Fire 3, Crit 2, and Speed
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I never realized it until I saw one video but invested skills stay constant on a position. I think that was useful to know since I only really play two positions: tank and (ironically) assassin. It's something that carried over from playing fighting games, having a sub to fall back on.

    ANYWAYS, I wouldn't overextend my resources past my sub class, but it definitely has it's situational calls. Or if you feel the need to switch, you could focus on turret building and bot spawning for a while until some cashflow.
  11. KahLriK

    KahLriK New Member

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    I usually stick with a single Assassin class throughout the whole game.. I just change how I'm playing and investing money based on the situation.

    Gold: Armor
    Silver: RoF
    Bronze: Speed (it helps when you need to close range after a failed grapple to get those last couple slashes in on a backpedaling enemy)
  12. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    You can switch Custom Classes without losing skills...

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