Before I start, I'd like to say that I'm not good with these kind of stuff so please be kind to me. I know how mean people here can be. Don't try to be dicks. Thank you. From Tokyo to Seoul, South Korea Yes, I live in Tokyo. I have a feeling that it's really bad. I keep on losing the gunfights in CoD that I have no business of losing. I even got a red bar on a Chinese (Hong Kong) host when every Japanese player in the lobby had 3-4 bars. Anyway on how to fix this? Upgrade maybe? Have a nice day.
For Japan, where a standard connection is around 32mbit from what I've heard, it's pretty bad. Try calling your ISP.
Just to make sure, you turn off torrents and other upload-thingies before playing and you use an ethernet cable, not wifi? If that isn't the case, try that first and if it's still bad, start looking into getting better internet.
And to think that I did very good at MNC with this shit connection on NA/UK hosts makes me feel like a boss.
The power of magic. And having coped with connection like this for years. EVERYONE here has been trying to get better internet, but Dad wont push on it because he thinks it's fine