I tried to type mouse4 and m4 in the shortcuts section of the settings but it didn't work. I was wondering if this function is possible...
I don't think it is possible currently. What you could try is mapping them to a keyboard key using your mouse software or perhaps something like xpadder. That ought to work.
Yep, I was thinking to do something in this line, I was just wondering if it was possible without this little cunning thing Thanks Zaphodx ! I love your vids
Yeah... currently the side buttons on my mouse (set to 'unbound') in my mouse software act as a left-click in PA. Mildly irritating as I use one of those for my push-to-talk I'm guessing this is going to be later on in the quality-of-life field.
Yep, use some other software for now. My mouse has a few nice features. I have a side button mapped to push-to-talk, so I can't use that for PA. I do have two other buttons mapped to select all idle fabricators and select all idle factories. The factories one especially saves a lot of time because I can queue up all my factories without ever even looking at them. I'm sure that annoys teammates who find that I have given their factories build orders, though.