Is it just me or is MNC becoming less enjoyable?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by rudigarmc, November 11, 2010.

  1. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I'm not saying the game is at fault, but more of the community. I notice people on my friends list are playing less and less. Not only that but when I have played lately, it seems to be filled with rage quitters and spawn campers.

    Is anyone else noticing this or is it just me?
  2. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I hear ya dude. ALL my friends are playing Black Ops now, which I could care less about. I'm about the only guy I know, other than dedicated MNC players that still plays it regularly.

    The quitting is something fairly new. Seems like MNC goes through fads. There was a phase where everybody was juicing like mad. That seems to have abated, now people are just mad and leaving games. Whatever.

    I still love playing MNC.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It's just you.
  4. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    You're surprised people are playing the biggest shooter launch of any game ever instead of a three month old small XBLA game? Our audience size is very small compared to something like Black Ops and you'll see people come back when stuff like DLC comes out.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    as soon as i hit first prestige and finish sp in black ops i'll be back on mnc.
  6. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    You'd think the rage and spawn campers would have been the ones to stop playing.
  7. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I'm really apprehensive about even trying Black Ops. I mean, Treyarch managed to take CoD4's engine and totally make a snoozer of a game (I mean, what game makes you unlock the scope for the sniper rifle?!) I fully expect them to take MW2 and make it significantly more lame.

    It was sad day when Activision closed Infinity Ward. IW delivered two blockbuster games that redefined shooters, at least for me. Trying to play Halo Reach reminded me why I loved MW2 so much, and part of why I love MNC. Even with Sprint/Evade, Spartans are sluggish and for a 1000 lb suit of armor they sure FLOAT THROUGH THE AIR easily!
  8. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    not surprised
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    MNC really needs some kind of advertising bump. As soon as Halo Reach hit, everything that could have pointed someone to MNC disappeared from the 360 dashboard, and the only way to find it has been to actually browse to M in the alphabetical list of everything.

    Maybe if the DLC gets a place in the spotlight, it will help to bring some new people in.

    The other problem is unbalanced teams all over the place. It causes quitting, and the quitting just makes it even worse. Keeping parties together often results in stacked teams. A lack of team scramble between rounds results in a lack of hope for the losing team, so there's little reason for them to stick it out if they're getting pounded really badly.

    I posted some of this a couple pages deep in another thread, but here it is again, my suggestions for matchmaking to try to even the teams out better:

    1) First priority in matchmaking, try to match a party against another party of similar size. This will help reduce the problem of stacked vs random games while keeping parties together.

    2) If (1) isn't possible, deliberately split up parties between the teams. This is for the greater good! Better to give friends some friendly competition against each other than to create an unbalanced game.

    3) If it's all random, make better team decisions based on player levels. I know Uber has said they use some kind of skill rating system for the team splits, but it doesn't seem to work very well. Player levels are a fairly good indicator of basic competency.

    4) Between rounds, scramble the teams! Obey (1) if possible. Take the previous game's stats into account if possible to try extra-hard for even teams in the next game. Give the losing team some hope that the next game will turn out better!

    5) If one team ends up being down by 2 or more players, autobalance the teams! switch someone off the larger team onto the smaller team until they're within 1 player again. Yes it sucks for the person being switched, but overall, isn't that better than having the game ruined? TF2 uses this, and it works reasonably well.

    I think these changes could drastically reduce the amount of "ragequitting" and significantly improve average game quality.
  10. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    To be honest, I went on today thinking that there would be next to nobody playing because of Black Ops... to my surprise it was very busy!

    I hope Microsoft promote MNC on the Spotlight section when the DLC drops.

    Still, the leaderboards are growing every day (I have done my part recruiting more people!).
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've had no issues finding games since Black Ops launch.

    If anything, I notice MORE new names than regulars.

    I'm having fun playing even though I'm stuck on this crappy Standard Def box tv for a few more days.
  12. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I love the new sig and I would love to get my *** kicked by you in an MNC match sometime too :)
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Glad you like it. I believe you have a friend request from me sitting in your inbox (same gamertag as your forum name?) if you ever do want to play.

    If not, my gamertag is Im Hudson. :p

    Edit: Btw, why can't I make polls? Are they disabled?
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Lucky you. Possibly having two Uber devs on your Friendslist...
    Hey, at least at least I have something somewhere.

    Ha! I got it! I am friends with John Comes on Facebook! Ha HA!
  15. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I have 4 :p Well, at least, UberDev6 is Caryn in spirit :|

    I can't say getting poked by John Comes is high up on my list of priorities :lol:
  16. Scias19

    Scias19 New Member

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    i can find matches in the game easily but i have seen some lag

    i got Black Ops but i play MNC most of the time it's a more funnier game and a way better community then COD

    i have none from the uber dev team or any from this forum on my friend list on xbox haha take that i own you all MUHAHAHAHA( i suck :cry: )
  17. Einarath

    Einarath New Member

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    In the past week or two, I have found that rage-quitting is waaaaay up. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I barely get to finish any matches lately.

    I'm also finding pub-stomping way up as well. I know that most people on here don't mind/like it, but I still think it's a dickish thing to do, as it is just furthering the rage quitting. I personally really would like to see parties split up more often to even teams out. I'm playing less and less by myself now, because I know that I can only carry my public team so much.

    I pretty much only sit down to play for a while if Vinticus is on now, lol. That way I at least have someone competent on my team.
  18. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    if only there were more Aussies playing this great game :cry:
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Call of Duty is holyshitwhatthecrap big in England. Whoops, that means when I want to find a game, I have to connect all the way to America. Oops.

    So it leaves me with 2 options.

    1) Play a hyper-laggy game of MNC
    2) Go play Burnout Paradise, MK vs DC, Halo Wars, whatever, since I play them offline.
  20. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    If you loved MW2 and thought WAW was a snoozer, don't bother with Black Ops. I personally think it's the best CoD so far, and that is taking into account the massive imbalances in the game right now.

    This. Gimme DLC NAO!

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