Is it just me or do you feel forced into playing assault?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by th3cozy, March 8, 2011.

  1. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I'm strictly speaking of solo pubbing here.

    I don't particularly like playing assault all that much, I like my heavy classes. I've found and I'm sure most of you have noticed that assault is a very popular choice among the higher than average skill level pro.

    I think a big reason is that people like not having a counter class like every other class does and you don't have to worry about playing a gunner and end up against a team of snipers or play as assassin against a team of tanks. As a bonus the assault counters the sniper and gunner very well, the only counter to a good assault is for you to play a better assault.

    This problem compounds on grenade 3 where snipers and assaults really dominate the map and you're really a sitting duck if you don't play those classes. Snipers can utterly lock down G3 with ice traps and assaults are really the only class that can really deal with them properly.

    I just feel that assault is the only class that I actually feel forced into playing in certain lobbies just to keep up.

  2. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    press select and you can see what the opponent has chosen
  3. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    If I'm solo, I'm forced to be either Assassin, Assault, or Sniper if there is anyone good on the other team (I would go Support but lolsupport). This prevents me from getting decimated if my team is absolute garbage. This doesn't apply all the time, but usually it's the case just so I don't get BSed (as much). >_>
  4. ExT Insanity

    ExT Insanity New Member

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    I feel the same way when playing forum people. Whenever someone on the forum sees another they tend to try way to hard instead of having waiting for a person to pick a class in which the other picks what's great against that particular class. But assault there really isn't too much of one besides another assault. So ya, kinda forced to use it.

    (Not saying I don't try against people on the forum, I just don't do it 24/7)
  5. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I dont feel forced into playing assault in pub matches where I may be required to carry the team mostly on my own. In fact, I find myself having to play my much worse non claw tank to push bots(or assassin if 4 other low levels haven't picked it already.) If anything, i find myself staying away from assault when I'm on these teams because if there's one thing you can count on randoms for it's to ignore the bots entirely and focus solely on killing pros the whole match.
  6. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Uh, no. I play Sniper and Assassin more than Assault, and my mains would be Tank/Support. Sometimes I play Gunner if the team I'm on lacks brute force.

    And yes I am a solo Randy McTryhard. So why do I rarely play Assault? Two main reasons, which feed off each other. One, I prefer to focus on the objective, and bots are the primary threat and tool to the objective. Second, I try to be tactical in my movements, and don't have as a quick reaction time, so I tend to avoid direct confrontations. Assault is great at pro killing, but mediocre at bot and turret killing, so that's why I rarely play him.
  7. hawkshade

    hawkshade New Member

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    Nope, I just pick whatever my team doesnt have.....or a gunner.
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    My biggest problem with pub teams is so few people take out enemy turrets. I feel forced to play gunner for this reason because the other classes (except assassin which I rarely play) seem so slow and ineffective against turrets compared to the crazy power of the mortars.

    As for snipers being a problem for your gunner, again mortars are the answer.
  9. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    I like to push bots the whole game, and kill turrets. So.. He's not really my style. I've never felt pressured to play him honestly.
  10. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Well i only play assault if i want to be winning duh. Whenever i play assault with my tiger blood i win. I'm a rockstar i will win with hatred.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I hit assaults with insta-kill fury most of the time with tank.

    Tip: Assaults like to troll for rushdown kills. You lose 1/4 your health, they will chase you into your base of 3.3 rokkits to finish you. You turn a corner kind of sharp, and you can turn on them with lvl3 tank charge, and deathblossom, and this will kill them or serverely cripple their mobility and health.

    Tanks also push bots better, a team with a tank and an even competent support can win some games against assaults. 2 supports that turtle can prevent 3 assault grenade spam breaking turrets.
  12. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I play support about 99.9% of the time. I can get away with it in the pubs. I used to have problems with assaults and snipers, but not anymore. I think I just got more aggressive with them, became more wary of freeze traps, and got pretty good at dodging that assault charge. So predictable.

    The higher level players still give me problems, but I get them eventually. Pubs arent bad. Ive never felt like I needed to play a "slayer" class to carry my team. Im probably averaging 15 or so kills a match now. I pass 50 if I get a group of gullible noobs, with no spawn killing. Its not necessary, they come to me :twisted:

    Some classes I dont play just because they seem like coward classes. I know its a game, but Assaults are made for cowards, snipers, well thats pretty obvious too. Yeah, ive got a firebase I can hide behind, but my chubby support dude will hunt you down.
  13. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I don't

    I don't feel forced to play Assault either. I choose to play Assault.
  14. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    i think if your playing as a support you need to get air strike level 3 to make the class have any big effect on kills.

    Think about it.. you get 3 big bombs which have the same radius as the assaults bomb

    You can toss them anywhere and use them under bridges where people hide up top
  15. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I like to play support when I am on the losing team believe it or not. I like to play support on the losing team because all I have to do is build and hack turrets and I get all the kills. I do pretty much the same thing as tank. When I play tank, I will destroy bots, upgrade myself, and build a lvl 2 rocket turret wherever it suits me.

    Hacked turrets work very well vs. gunners and assaults. A lvl 3.3 rocket turret will withstand most assassin juices.
  16. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    I can play anything alone doesn't seem like i must play assault.
  17. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Not really. If solo Tank is my option. Tanks are counter assaults (the more you know) if your rail gun is any good.
  18. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I wouldn't say "any good". If the assault is equal to your skill level your rail gun has to be DAMN good.

    Well it seems I'm the only one so far lol, tho I don't think some people understand my question.
  19. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    Funny you say that, in my circle of friends MNC stands for monday night cowards. Mostly for rage quitting hosts tho.
  20. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Monday Night Cowards.... I like that.

    Nothing personal about calling them coward classes. Just seems so nutless that assassins sprint away invisible if they miss the back grapple. Assaults charging away if you didnt fall for thier charges, grenades or bombs. Just cowardly :x

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