with the vanilla boom bot model: These bones are rotated, and i dont think the blender exporter can export these things correctly, so i was forced to make the bones like this on a new boom bot model for a faction mod (https://forums.uberent.com/threads/looking-for-help-unannounced-faction.68626/) When the second one is exported, it looks fine until the legs start moving, and this is where the questions start. I have a feeling that the .papa animations NEED the bones to be oriented like the ones in the top picture, is this a correct asumption? If so, I can't use Blender anymore (unless that's not the kind of rotation bug i was warned about)
Yep the bones picture in the first image definitely DO NOT export correctly. I'm sure if raevn couldn't figure out how to get that right, no body else can
Raevn just can't even 3D math. If anyone can and feels like they have the coding skills to give it a shot then they should go right ahead.