Interplanetary logistics. gates, ships, mass drivers etc.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by s1lverhair, September 22, 2012.

  1. s1lverhair

    s1lverhair New Member

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    there are several threads floating around about how this interplanetary thing is going to work. the primary questions are.

    Economy, is the economy galactic, solar, near celestial object or merely planetary. if the economy is split up into different zones how do you transfer things between them?

    Units, how to get units from A to B on a planetary/solar/interstellar scale.

    From these two questions another 2 arise.

    Colonization: you need a construction unit and a resource supply/reserve to begin building things how does this work?

    Invasion: I need to get from planet/moon/asteroid A to planet/moon/asteroid B and kill everything that moves.

    solutions to the above questions have come in three different flavors discussed on different threads in the forum. each of the threads is being discussed on their own merits but each are working on exactly the same problem. How do i get stuff from A to B and use it to kill the other guys stuff?

    Gates (econ/unit/colonisation): the old favorite gates act as teleporters between their locations or to a location without a gate.

    stuff unassailable, unblockable and instant during transit but vulnerable at each end.
    viable resource sharing method.

    the ability to teleport stuff anywhere without limitations is OP.
    Domestic teleporters require catchers/receivers.

    I believe that teleporters should have a place at the top of the economy but due to their unlimited range should be expensive to use especially for assaults. however they would be effective for commander style colonization efforts. For domestic use i believe that each gate should have a res/second transfer cap from point to point and a significantly reduced cost/unit for unit movement. cost may be based on range.

    Mass Drivers: (econ/unit/colonization/assault/giant gun)
    mass drivers are essentially a family of giant guns to move stuff with extreme accuracy from A to B.

    significantly cheaper
    do not require any specific receiver(colonization/assault/giant gun)
    effectively unlimited resource transit
    COOL(giant gun throwing stuff through space)

    Stuff vulnerable in transit
    if receiver gone objects land hard
    transit takes time during which stuff is unavailable
    does not allow instantaneous sharing of stuff.
    Range limited (interstellar possible but time consuming)

    A showier option which has already been shown to be in the game (moon to planet with ROBOTS). almost ideal for assaults from a base which is not on planet (orbital drop pods) or on the same planet/moon/asteroid. with skilled/automated manipulation of orbital mechanics you could even get an assualt force launched by a single cannon to hit reentry at the same time, with covering fire of ORBITAL ARTILLERY (orty) from the same cannon. for logistical use the cannon would basically create resource packets and send them to their destination. You could have a catcher at the other end to receive the packets or you could have self deconstructing packets which reclaim themselves as soon as they get inside the other planets resourcing zone.
    Mass drivers would necessitate counter mass drivers capable of intercepting incoming packages.

    Starships: (unit/colonization/assault)
    Self contained ships to shuttle things to and from destinations

    can take unpredictable paths from point to point making them difficult to kill.
    Can carry large amounts of units.
    can bulk transfer resources
    Provides orbital assault platform
    can go interstellar distances in a reasonable timeframe.
    can change orders in transit.

    Been done to death
    Large target for anti orbital units
    requires micromanagement for resource transit.

    Starships are the big ones when it comes to interplanetary assualts and allow a large amount of forces to arrive in relative safety. but on the other hand large starships would be hideously expensive and require some way to get into space. that said, the rockets attached to units to get toe commander offworld and the engineers to the asteroid belt would be early/mid game items.

    If you have any other ideas pipe up.

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