Interface pour le joueur

Discussion in 'Support!' started by warrior67250, August 1, 2013.

  1. warrior67250

    warrior67250 New Member

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    ça serai bien de rajouter un interface avec la fil de construction afin de pouvoir annuler certaines constructions quand elles ne sont pas commencés par exemple ou pour les usines mettre une fil de construction pour savoir dans qu'elle ordre se construisent les véhicules et mettre une touche construire à l'infini dans les usines seraient essentiel. De plus quand on à créé un bâtiment dans le fil on aimerai parfois le déplacer, regarder dans suprême commander pour savoir de quoi je parle. Il faudrait aussi que les cadavres des ennemies abat tuent puissent être traverser par les troupes, je sais pas c'est pas très réaliste mais c'est super chiant de se retrouver avec des tonnes de cadavres d'avions dans sa base et de devoir les détruire un par un afin de pouvoir se déplacer dans sa propre base.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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  3. thepilot

    thepilot Well-Known Member

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    I speak that language and I'm not understanding what he is saying.
  4. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    I think the double post was an accident. There is a big redirect delay on this forum.
  5. sneakyness

    sneakyness Member

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    I think it's quebecer with really bad grammar? He tried, though.

    (Not an insult, I had to ask a Canadian friend and that is what he told me)
  6. Target6

    Target6 New Member

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    Glad to see I'm not the only french speaker here :D

    For those who are not in that category, I'll give the translation a try :

    "It would be great to add a construction queue interface, in order to be able to cancel some buildings before they begin for example, or, for factories, to be able to know in what order are the units going to be built. Adding an "infinite loop" button would also be essential.
    Also, when a building is added to the queue, it would be nice to be able to move it, take a look a supreme commander to know what I'm talking about.

    Units should also be able to path through enemy wrecks , I don't know if it is realistic, but it is really annoying to end up with tons of aircraft wrecks in your base and have to clean them up one by one in order to move around your own base.

    *Smoke bomb*
  7. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    Looping factory build commands will definitely go in, as will the ability to move 'planned' buildings. Some manipulation of factory build lists is already allowed (you can insert or remove items from the front or back of the build lists).

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