Interesting IRL stories

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by ZOoo00OOm, June 22, 2012.

  1. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I was flying back after my last winter break and this is something that genuinely scared the holy-living crap outta me. What's the maximum altitude a plane is allowed to fly? 45,000 feet? This sonofabitch was flying that sucker at around 40,000 feet. Outside the airplane, everything was friggin' BLUE. Like this blue.

    Anyway, we were really, really, REALLY high in the air. I'm pretty sure we weren't supposed to fly that high, especially on a plane like ours (it wasn't small but it also wasn't huge). A couple times, I could feel the plane DROP a couple hundred feet. The turbulence was so terrible that I felt like the freakin' thing was going to spiral. It was the most horrifying event that ever happened to me while flying. All the while that this is going on, Opeth is playing through my iPod the entire time. Freakin' awesome and scary as shit.


    Another story of mine happened when I was really young, probably about 5-6.

    My mom dropped me and my sis off at a friend's (let's call her Shelly just for consistency) house while she went to work. Shelly was about to go run errands so while we were waiting in the van, this really creepy middle-aged man came out of his house.
    From what I can remember this guy lived with his mother so he looked really homely and unkempt. He stepped out, looked around and walked over and got into the front seat of the van. I was really young at the time so I didn't think anything was wrong with that. He roamed through the middle case-thing and found some lipstick. This creepy bald-headed ***** smeared it on his lips and asked me,
    "Do I look like your mom?"

    As I said, thought there was nothing wrong with that. I said no and he went back into his house. I didn't see too much of him after that.

    Anyone else have anything interesting stories they want to share?
  2. leadlpmaster

    leadlpmaster Active Member

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  3. alitta

    alitta Member

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    A year or so ago, I was eating at a Waffle House with my boyfriend. This older lady came over to our table and asked if we ever went to this particular school that she had taught at. The school was in Indiana and we were currently in North Carolina. We told her no, but she persisted saying that about ten or fifteen years ago, a few students had thrown spitballs at her (or the ceilings, I can't remember) and that we looked just like these students. We kept telling her it wasn't us (she was at our table for a good five minutes) and eventually she went and sat back down. We paid and left the restaurant. As we get into the car, she comes out and stares at us the entire time we were leaving the parking lot. Then she goes back inside the restaurant. I've seen some weird things at Waffle House, but this was probably the oddest.
  4. SnappleT

    SnappleT Active Member

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    Necrobump ahoy.

    My family and I were driving to Six Flags only to stop at what looked like an accident. We couldn't really see what was going on because there was about 2-3 cars in front of us. After a few minutes, though, we got the chance to go, but we had to go very slowly.

    Turns out someone ran over a bunch of baby geese. Two guys were throwing the bodies into the nearby river, with the parents watching and calling for them from the other side of the road.

  5. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    I stopped at an Office Max to pick up a few pencils, binders, notebooks, etc; when I turn into the designated writing utensil aisle. Presumably two mothers, each with their own kid in tow (one is a boy, other is a girl, both around six or seven years old), are browsing the shelves for whateva', when the boy yanks down his pants and underwear, fully exposing his junk in an effort to impress the little girl or something like that. I never thought I would see an exhibitionist in their early years like that.
  6. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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